Unusual Dub Techno


The 3rd track is my favorite on this release :slight_smile:

This is fat!

I know that some of the tracks I post is more on the groovy and maybe even darker site opposed to the usual more ambient stuff. And sorry if they are not chill enough for some :slight_smile: But they are unusual dub techno tracks nontheless, and to me they are among the best I’ve come across.

I had my dub techno craze a few years back, where I would listen to any dub techno that I could get my hands on. It was my absolute favorite genre. Then after awhile I grew tired of most of it and started looking for something I didn’t feel was boring. Interestingly most of that boring stuff don’t actually have any dubmixing in it. Only fx, a slower tempo and maybe even a groove to give it a dubby vibe.

But stuff I already listened to back then and still do today, would be from artists like Vladislav Delay, Pole, Lulu Rouge, Oscar Mulero, Basic channel (and their aliases), Wax and Helly Larson (he mainly did dub house though).

Later, one of the artists I’ve come across that imo have done some of the best dub techno is from Roger Gerressen. It’s more on the groovy site and very minimalistic. Often on the verge of boredom :laughing: But he’ve done some great dubmixing with his stuff, that keeps you engaged as a listener to hear what happens next. It’s probably meant more for mixing together with other tracks in a dj set. Like with the stuff from Wax.
Roger Gerressen and Ivano Tetelepta have done some even more groovy and tech housy stuff together, that has this odd sound to it, yet it has that dubby groove and vibe. Maybe not straight up dub techno, but it’s great. Specifically the release ‘Dirty Stomp’.
The only release giving me the same vibe is ‘Bipolar’ by Vid & Cumsecade. Also great :slight_smile:

And then there’s this other artist I can’t remember the name of. I know that I Bought some of the music, but can’t seem to find it on either my Bandcamp, Beatport or Spotify account :thinking:
Anybody knows this situation? Guess I have to turn on my PC to check :sweat_smile:


Dub techno, at least the early stuff, is definitely an inspiration for us, so i wanted to share this.

Today we released a remix record, of which the original has some similarities to Porter Ricks in that blippy, reverberated area. This is less the well mannored more ambient dub techno often heard today, with the original and the remixed record leaning more on aggression and repetitive fx work outs.

The original two tracker

The remixes


Some very interesting stuff. I especially like ‘Rattle’. Straight up my alley :slight_smile:
After listening again, I actually like the 2 remixes even more :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Siphon is mainly a jungle record, but the 2nd track is some nice breaky dub techno :slight_smile:

A little tech housy, but 1st, 2nd and 5th are dubby, the 4th is most, where the 3rd is the least :slight_smile:


Just want to say.
Loving this discussion.
So many tracks from open minded people what makes me feel in other dimension.
I just joined Elektronauts few months ago and I’m feeling home.
Thank you everyone! :slightly_smiling_face::sparkles:


:innocent: @jason_so_ny

Welcome @Narti


I’m glad!
Yeah, it’s probably the best online forum imo for discussing electronic music gear and electronic music. There have still been some negative discussions here and there, I’ve noticed. But the moderators seems do a good job :slight_smile:

I like 2nd track best

Again, 2nd track :slight_smile:

Yep! 2nd one again :laughing:

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The 2nd track is a good example of that weird deep tech house with a dubby vibe to it that I mentioned. But the 1st and 3rd tracks are definetly the stars. Especially the 3rd is an exploded version of the 1st. But overall this is a release where every track is great in its own way :slight_smile:

The usual dub techno vibe, but still a great atypical track in that regard

Not so much dub mixing, and the delays are used more as a 2nd stab, with the feedback set low and lp’ed slightly. Something I would do in Ableton myself actually to add rythmic interest.
Could also be a delay pitchshifted down :thinking:

But yeah it’s more detroit-ish, but yet still gives associations to dub techno. Would be nice in a dj set to dub delay and reverb over yourself to personalize it more :slight_smile:

Again as the other Alden Tyrell release, this is more of a detroit-ish sound with some dub techno vibe to it. Not so much usual dubmixing. But you can hear on both releases that the stabs and the delays over time changes in relation to eachother, which is just great techno production, but the artist might have made the changes live. Maybe even used faders on a mixer to change the volume of the delayed and dry signal together with filter changes. Could also just be automated very well :slight_smile:

Again, the typical type of dub techno, but one of the more interesting ones

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Despite being great tracks, I believe they belong to the other thread.

Let’s stay focused, or let’s merge the threads.


I highly recommend this recent release from Logos called North Vol.01

A more stripped back, minimal sound to his previous stuff. It sits in an SND, Porter Ricks, Pan Sonic, Sleep Archive space.

Also done almost entirely on the Nord Modular G1. The tape is great, so grab that if you can.


I just listened to the music posted in the other thread, and while there’re a few good and great tracks posted, actually most of them bored me :sweat_smile:

I actually think that it would make it more focused for the very critical listener, who’s trying to weed out the great or best, to keep them seperate. We all have different tastes of course. And this is exactly why I think i’ts important.
Personally I got mentally tired and unmotivated to try and go through everything in that thread.
To be fair, I have an attention deficit disorder, so it might not bother most others as much. Though many artists are extra sensitive in some degree, disorder or not.

But maybe others who are posting in this thread thinks that it would be great to merge, I don’t know :man_shrugging:

On my phone the webpage had an annoying behavior so everytime I had open the tab further down for listening, almost straight after, I would be returned to the top. So when I scrolled back down, the tab would be closed. I managed to hit record for the 1st track. It sounded interesting, but a little to glitchy for my personal taste. But maybe others might like it :slight_smile:

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I don’t think it’s a matter of taste. There’s just nothing “unusual” about these tracks. They practically define the genre.


I don’t agree with most of these tracks not being unusual in terms of what most so-called dub techno sounds like and what I’d consider boring :slight_smile:
Surely for the ones who have listened to dub techno for years, it might not be unusual, because you’ll listen to more and more, and automatically weed out the stuff you like the best, and stop listening to the stuff that bores you.
I don’t know if you meant the tracks or the artists who made the posted tracks being the ones who defines the genre. But to me it’s about the tracks. And every variation that happens here and there to a genre will define it over time. Both the boring and the great stuff. But what’s boring for some might be great for others and vise versa.

Unusual is also a relative term, because it depends on what the individual listener focuses on as being the unusual part.

I’m pretty sure that the tracks I posted, shows the different degrees of unusual and diversity in the genre, and that they steer somewhat away for what I think most listeners would consider usual dub techno tracks.
I know that unusual doesn’t mean great. But to me it’s not enough for it to be unusual, if it doesn’t sound great. And again most of what’s posted in here seems to steer away from most of the stuff posted in the other thread. Again showing the diversity in the genre and in the individuals personal taste and view.
Plus most music in any genre will be boring (maybe not when starting out listening) and therefore the great sounding will also be included as being the unusual ones, since it’s not in the catagory of the most that don’t sound great. Then there’s the unusual in terms of sound, which don’t mean that the track will sound great. But what is it that makes a great track stand out from the rest? It can be the quality of the sounds, the rythm, the tones, the variations, the mixing etc. But often there will also be these small differences in the sounds, in contrast to other tracks, that can make the track sound unusual in a more subtle way.
It really depends on what angle you choose to look at :slight_smile:

btw, innovation and unusual are not the same thing. Yes innovation belongs under unusual (at first. Over time it can become usual). But unusual doesn’t belong under innovation.

For instance, older tracks from Oscar Mulero, Pole, Basic Channel (and aliases) and Vladislav Delay does still sound unusual to the majority of dub techno. Even though they’re well known artists that have defined the genre with their tracks, I still don’t hear the majority of dub techno having the same sound.

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Unfortunate behaviour that.
I’d recommend listening past the first track, when it works, it’s probably the most different from the rest. There are some more groove based ones.

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