Unusual Dub Techno

Of course, sure :blush:

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I tried to find somewhere else that might have a better player for ya but no luck.

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So, I just realised that I mixed Roger Gerressen and Steve O’sullivan together hahaha :laughing: But they do both make some stuff with a similar vibe in terms of groove, tempo and atmosphere.
Steve O’sullivan have released a lot of very dubby stuff under the project alias ‘Bluetrain’ (which is also the name of a sublabel of his. Ben Sims is a coproducer of ‘Where’s Burt?’ For instance).

Good overall example of that sound:

Under another alias ‘The Wise Caucasian’ he made this very groovy track. Very dubby as with Bluetrain stuff.

He has released music since the mid 90’s under different aliases and styles. Some more housy and some more techno’y. I managed to find a dub techno one. :slight_smile:

Here’s an article/interview of him for anyone interested. He also mentions some of his gear. A couple of Elektron devices in there :wink:

Here is a couple of dub remixes of Silverlining’s ‘Pearl Divers’. I could only manage to find 2 minute snippets in not the best quality. You can easily find the full track of the original on YouTube and Beatport, which is also a banger. And even though the original is not dub techno, but more sort of deep techno or maybe very early deep progressive house (I’m not sure :sweat_smile:) I’m gonna post it here to show where the other 2 comes from, also so that you guys don’t have to search for it yourselves.

Listen to Silverlining - Pearl Divers (Stardub Remix) by Ark to Ashes on #SoundCloud

Listen to Silverlining - Pearl Divers (Matt Star Remix) by Ark to Ashes on #SoundCloud

So in terms of style, the next ones I’ll post are of the more usual kind. But they do stand out as being amongst the best in that category. Making them unusual in that regard imo. They are very well-produced :slight_smile:

So, if you look past the very usual main chord stab and minimalistic drums in this particular track, there’re these few other elements in there making it stand out from the crowd while still blending in imo :point_down: :slight_smile:

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(time to take a break? be interesting to hear from more than one person)


Yep, that was actually my last post. It’s out of the system :slight_smile: But me posting, doesn’t stop others from doing so as well, does it? Or is actually being demotivating? Legit questions actually. Because on one end, yes it seems a little over the top, but I don’t see the actual problem. But on the other end, I don’t want to be an actual bother to others either :grimacing:

I like that saying “I would have written a shorter letter if I had more time”

(Too many posts = you swamp the thread with your taste, this forum seems great for its diversity, lets encourage it!)

back on topic, I love Japanese dub techno artist Altone


I love the Topdown Dialectic stuff so much. Takes dub techno influences and creates something truly fresh and unique with them.

Curiously, there is a lot of very standard material in this thread. Both of the compiled Topdown Dialectic LPs on Peak Oil are highly recommended for anyone wanting less boring dubby stuff.


I agree that diversity is great. But then please get posting people! :clap::innocent:

If there had been as frequent posting of tracks from a mixture of several other people as the amount of tracks that I have been posting the last +24 hours, then it would have balanced it out well enough. But people haven’t, and we are almost only at 70 posts, which is fine with me. I personally find it demotivating to scroll through too many posts.
Plus, there was that other thread as well, that other people have already posted over 200 posts in. Most don’t want to post it here as well. And I’m fine with that. More space for my swamping of (very good and well-currated :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::laughing:) taste then :man_shrugging:

But 70 posts, where I started at the 37th one, doesn’t that just mean that I kept the thread well alive? so I just about hogged the last half of the current amount of the thread, which is quite a lot, I get that. But only 4 posts with music have been posted in between.

Good thing is that new readers usually start at the top, so they’ll get influenced by the first half before they get to mine. When you think about it, I might actually just about have balanced it out a bit in terms of different styles of somewhat unusual sounding dub techno tracks. Isn’t that fine? :man_shrugging:

But did you know that it is only possible to post 3 consecutive posts at a time? Then you have to wait for someone else to comment. This is exactly made for the purpose of preventing spamming. A great thing imo :smiley:

But if you have noticed, I only posted 3 tracks for each of my posts, except for the last one, just to get the leftovers out of the system. Isn’t that better than posting one very very long comment with everything I wanted to post? In this way I also made space for others. Yet only 4 others have posted tracks in between :man_shrugging:

Yes, I tend to write several longer comments (and edit them several times after :sweat_smile:), which also hogs up the “empty” space in the thread. That’s also why I divide the text up in smaller sections.
Couldn’t I just learn self-control? Well, to a certain extend yes. And I have also done so throughout my whole life to a certain degree. I’m afterall “master” of my own actions as anybody else.
But it’s actually not that simple for me, else I wouldn’t have been given a diagnose (adhd), if it was. Why don’t I stop myself right now? Because in the moment of writing, it feels more important to comment than to not.

And for someone with adhd, self-controlling your own symptoms often ends up in over-controlling and over-compensating for them. Which usually leads to other anxiety based symptoms.
You can’t cure adhd symptoms. And meds only takes off the worst, so that you can somewhat function better in society.
the anxiety based ones are extremely difficult to get rid off, because they’re usually tied in with the individuals adhd :slight_smile:

But now I know that some people don’t like me posting too much of my own taste (didn’t get many likes afterall :man_shrugging:). So that will feed my anxiety off not doing things right or good enough :joy::sweat_smile::grimacing: Not your fault. That’s just how it is :man_shrugging:

And yes, by all means stay on topic and get posting some unusual great sounding dub techno tracks.
I’ll now try to not comment too much/too long (unless I have to :sweat_smile:) and maybe actually mess about with some music :smiley:

thanks for this recommend! kinda intersects beautifully with my love of dubby techno and more ambient styles like Donato Dozzy and VFTL


Another forum I visit that uses the exact same platform, limits users to just one consecutive post. At first it irritated me, but after a while I realised it is a useful feature, as per my ‘shorter letter’ comment it makes me stop & think before I post. But its also important that you know WE ALL LOVE MUSIC! Its why we are here. I love dubtechno as much as you do, or more… I also could post hundreds of tracks I love, but that would be like dropping an entire playlist into a thread where everyone else is only posting a few tracks. I am not here to criticise you, I posted to share a few tracks I love. But I am especially interested in what everyone thinks is ‘unusual’ in terms of dub techno, including you (but also not dominated by anyone: me , you or anyone - there is no accounting for taste)

Porter Ricks deeper tracks were what blew my mind back in the day, they were unlike any prior music I had heard. So rather than take it personally, maybe it is better to just think of simply creating space for others to contribute. We all would LOVE to be surprised by some profoundly unusual music we have never heard of…

This isn’t a recent track, but its another that altered my brain the way Porter Ricks does

And thats three posts from me, so I will now join you in being quiet and listening to others.


It’s fine. I’m not taking it as personal as you might think :slight_smile:

Stopping up and thinking before I post, surely I do that. But it’s not my way of thinking that creates my impulsive nature. It’s the lack of dopamine that then sparks the hyperactive nature of my thought-stream, which usually takes form of a constant stream of inner dialogues, usually regarding subjects that have my deep interest and makes me wonder in awe, so that I constantly look for the answers to even the smallest “mystery”. Always puzzling things together to add to the bigger picture. It’s like one subject tends to lead to other associated ones and so on. Giving me the feeling of everything being important to share, because it all ties in together, so how can I leave anything out?
However, I have learned over time to stop up and feel “how much does this part associate with the main subject?”.

For instance, I didn’t post every single dub techno track that I find unusual in some way. Would have done that in the past though :sweat_smile: I only posted the ones that felt most important to share. And because of my lack of patience and tendency to keep thinking about things, that I haven’t finished, It would keep frustrating me, until it’s out of the system.

Even when not thinking about Unfinished tasks (like dishwashing), it’ll still suck energy and frustrate me subconsiously. But if the task seems too boring or having too many steps, I’ll usually postpone it. Then it accumaletes over time and becomes an evil circle. Even though it might only take 10-20 mins. and knowing that it’ll take some weight of my shoulders. Telling myself that in the moment doesn’t help.

In social contexts, the thoughts (far from all of them) tends to come out when I talk/write a post (just like now :laughing:). I have actually learned to stop up and reduce it at bit. But balancing it more out to the level of most people is actually not possible. My thoughts moves on too quickly for me to have patience for that. Too much excitement :joy::sweat_smile:

I’m usually aware of when I’m about to post a long post while writing (like right now). Doesn’t mean that I’ll not post it. The majority of the content still feels important to share afterall.

I have become better at editing before posting. Re-checking several times. Usually that’s not enough though. I mostly have this anxious feeling when writing (not right now. I’m not in a hurry anymore) that only stops when actually posting the post. After that I become totally relaxed. Then I can re-check. I can also see more of the text at the same time that way. Then I’ll find spelling mistakes, missed words, double words, lack of dividing the text into more sections etc. Will then again make me feel anxious until it’s fixed. I then have to hurry, before too many reads it and potentially misunderstands. I can try to relax several times doing the texting. Doesn’t just work like that though :slight_smile:

Meds have helped a bit with keeping it in check. But it doesn’t help against my thoughts being hyperactive. It just makes it easier to become hyperfocused on my hyperfixations (like adhd :laughing:). It’s easier to steer towards tasks I want to do. Like having inner dialogues about stuff I find interesting.
But I still steer away from those tasks I don’t find interesting. Though I don’t over-worry too much about it. So that’s great :slight_smile:

Sorry, ended up with a long post again. Again, it felt important for me to share, even most might not care of the content :man_shrugging:

So much for being quiet, sorry :sweat_smile:




Great track btw :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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Andy Stott - Passed Me By/We Stay Together

When this album was released, I remember it being mentioned in reference to Porter Ricks’ Biokinetics.


Excellent thread, marked :content:

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I have been going through old material making loops and was reminded of this one.

I don’t know who this Pokk! person is by the way :blush: :innocent: :thinking:

There are all sorts of dub inspired tracks on the an-epic label, tipping into more 4/4 based stuff, although mostly a sound that is stripped back and probably a raw sounding early Scape~ Records quality.

It is a supersupersuper small label that I’m not entirely sure is still even going.

Definitely worth supporting and checking out, especially Durusin’s stuff which is I believe modular-based creations, Mine Durisin for slightly more clean 4/4 quirky-dub and Genseiichi for more glitched/grime/ambient/dub or something, but all very cool. Just buy them allI reckon.


Awesome. I added yours and Durusin’s releases to my wishlist. Just spend a little too much and bought 8 tracks from individual releases, made by a fellow Elektronaut :sweat_smile:

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Awesome, I’m sure they will appreciate it. :innocent:
Yeah, there is always so much music to buy. Thanks for adding it to the wish list. I don’t have any download codes otherwise I’d send some.

We have however, put a out a few out ourselves from Durusin that do have free download codes on the release page if that suits you/anyone.

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