Unusual Dub Techno

That’s fine, but thanks anyways :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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I find this one: “Encounter with the bigboss” by Krisz Deak quite unusual but really cool, but I also really like the minimal stuff :slight_smile:

I wonder who the bigboss is :wink:


Here’s a somewhat unusual number that I recorded 5 years ago.

From the bowels of the MD and MM:


How could I forget this marvellous wonder:

When I first heard the opening track, it somehow liberated any fixed notions I had of what dub techno “sensibilities” were.
Such a good album.


a recent release… at times it reminds me of Mille Plateaux era/Kit Clayton etc…

found via dubtechnoblog


Definetly unusual and not bad. Just a little to sharp on the higher frequencies for my taste. Needs a bit of notching here and there. Around 800-900khz maybe. Not sure. Will be very noticable in a club I think :thinking::man_shrugging::blush:

Nice, spacy and abstract landscapy :smiley:
That stab at around 1:22 reminds me of the one first coming in at 0:22 in HCD 04 by Heavenchord that I posted here:

Are those made with an FM synth, or how did you achive it?

Glad you enjoyed :slightly_smiling_face:

The stab came from the Monomachine’s ‘Superwave Ensemble’ machine.
The same one used on Gate 1, just reprocessed for the floaty rework.

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I agree. And it’s a shame, since I feel that this tracks begs to played loud at a club :slight_smile:

I really like the release once it gets funky :wink:

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Aarh interesting. Is superwave like a supersaw/square/sine that can morph between eachother a little like wavetable or what is it? :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Sounds kind of heroic doesn’t it!

In this case, it’s simply a sawtooth chord.

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Haha okay. That’s also useful :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Anything by Nicola Ratti really:


Nice. What’s doing what in the video?

…not my track, but all sounds are Plumbutter, and the resonator/reverb is courtesy of Ableton :+1:

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Not to unusual but realy nice.

I discovered them a few weeks ago, amazing stuff! haven’t listened to these old ones yet, thanks for sharing <3

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It looks like I haven’t mention The fear ratio in this thread.
Proper modern interesting techno.

And vromm .

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