Unwanted Level Change - MIDI link issue

I just recently got my MDUW, about a month ago, no real issues until now.

I have a microkorg connected to both audio inputs of my MD and linked to the midi out of the MD. The midi sequencer is working fine and the audio is coming in, but when I tweak the track 4 level it also adjusts the output volume of the korg. It seems to be sending midi CC messages to the korg, but I can’t turn them off.
I’ve been noticing other unwanted tweaks being sent over the midi link, but this is the first time I could pinpoint the source of the change.

I’m not too sure what’s going on here.

Is there anyone that has had this problem? Does the Machinedrum always send out CC messages?

I would appreciate any help.


I figured it out. I’m an idiot. No issues whatsoever now, other than me.