Unwanted Noise / Feedback Multiple Patches - Digitone

Hi folks. Kind of stuck and wondering if I’ve got a return on my hands. Hoping not. OS 1.30a

Second day with a digitone. Pattern play yields slowly increasing highly aliased feedback that, when left to its own devices, will overwhelm the digitone even when stopping a pattern. If I catch it early enough, however, I can stop it by stopping the pattern. I can also accelerate the onset of feedback by playing with the filter in any mode. I initially assumed I had done something terrible to a patch. So, I attempted the same pattern with different sounds yeilding similar results (although in one case the feedback was initially restricted to the times notes were playing). This is not just via overbridge but over the analog outputs as well.

I tried finding another person with this issue on the forums and elsewhere and did not. If I missed something, or I’m just using the wrong search terms, any direction to the proper thread would be greatly appreciated. Either way thank you for any guidance you can give.

Also worth noting that the master volume does not affect this issue.

Just to check the obvious. You don’t have a delay with the FDBK amount set above 100 do you? That produces some ever growing feedback. Otherwise, it does indeed sound faulty. Maybe create a support ticket to see what the experts say about it. Maybe they’ve seen it rarely in other units.

Lol. Yeah I checked. It did take me a sec for it to occur to me…I’ll admit. I’m positive that I did something stupid to this though. Baffled. Thanks man.

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Does this mean the hardware pot being in the Minimum position doesn’t kill the noise? that’d be bad output amps or something similar doesn’t sound like a software issue.

You really have to be methodical and keep it simple. Firstly disconnect USB and MIDI and basically everything. Try with headphones only (or just the main outs) and ideally start in a new project, then see how it goes, then work backwards

Had to create an account to find out what happened. This sounds exactly like what is going on with my Digitone. I just got it yesterday. Just checking out presets and if I swap enough I suddenly get some looping distortion that starts quiet but can get loud enough to drown out everything. How is this resolved?

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I am experiencing the same issue on the latest firmware 1.40B if I apply delay to any patch feedback gradually builds up.

Turn the delay feedback down below 12 o’clock. Try it at about 70, much above that will start towards self-oscillation.


if it’s not the feedback ,try to reload your project .

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Thank you for your help I was unsure if my unit was faulty.

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Elektron delays are wild, but they catch all of us out from time to time.

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