UPD: trying out Blackbox with Digitone. ( Old title: Looking for friend for the Digitone (mixed workflow/changing focus) )

Hello! Id love to hear your about thoughs, opinions and expiriences of finding the right hardware partner for DN.

I use DN as a standalone groovebox, to flee from PC and take my mind of stressful things.
Currently, music that i like to create is varied, doesnt stick to a genre and i just like when it sounds fun.
When i use DN i dont feel limited with what i want to do, some things are easier than others ofcourse, but no major roadblocks.
That said, i feel like working only with one music making system, often inhibits my creativity.
And what im looking for, is a piece of gear that will let me switch focus and work in a different musical environment, whenever i feel creatively dry (while still contributing to the projects while using it).

Ive been through “the more the merrier” phase of my music journey, and having as little gear as possible is very liberating, and i dont want to have more than two things to take care of.

I have tried OG Circuit with DN, i liked the integration i managed to get out of that combo, but, while it offers a lot of things, theres absolutely no depth, unless you use PC, which is out of the question.

What im looking for:

  • not Elektron (for reason stated above)
  • good sound and UI (bonus points for depth)
  • seamless integration into DN (bonus points for utilizing 4 midi channels)
  • compact (bonus points for good build quality)

As for “what type of gear am im looking for”, is really up to debate, because i dont lack anything inpartucular while working with DN. (one thing i dont want is a sequencer, cause i have DN, but besides that, can be anything)

Currently i have my eye on Blackbox and Typhon, but im not sure they can do what i want them to do, which is again, provide enough music tweaking time, so that i can take breaks from working with DN.

Id love to hear about your experiences of using DN with non Elektron gear, so that i can, hopefully, make better choice spending my time integrating something into my music.

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For maximum breadth of sounds, I would say go for a sampler. Many out there, and I see you are looking at a Blackbox which may be the one for you. It ticks a lot of your boxes.

I’ve used DN plenty on its own and with other gear. I don’t think that for me there is a super special combo out there. It is just a fun machine. Of course the DT makes a lot of sense because the workflow is so similar, but I see you don’t want another Elektron. You could also look at something like the 404MKII, and use the 4 midi tracks on the DN to trigger samples on that unit. It also offers a slew of FX.


+1 on a sampler. The Dn can be one’s only synth. Honestly, I’d say Octatrack answers all your requirements and I’ve used them together a lot. An OT can send all those Elektron-centric commands and the Song Mode is great. But if you’re set on non-Elektron gear, I’d say an MPC One would be great as well. I may have missed where you said your price limit.

If you’re going to program sequences on the Dn and then trigger with external gear, that’s great. It allows you to leverage the power of p-locks and the Sound Bank. But if you’re just using it for sounds, then really any sampler with midi capability should be able to drive it.

I own a OT and a Dn and a Heat. I’d love a Analog Four but I’m irrationally afraid of being seen as a brand loyalist and of betraying my love and devotion to 80s and 90s gear. But again, to the people watching a set, they don’t see that; in the end it’s about outputting good music. I’m a genre hopper as well. I guess the closest parallel is something like Gorillaz, which can swing from fey pop to hip hop, with synths or acoustic instruments.

EDITED TO ADD: I know you want to use the Dn to drive something else, but with a sampler, you’re almost going to go the other way

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while i was researching samplers, something made me lean more towards blackbox, cant remember what, gotta check SP again… (i think having more FX is good)

im not comfortable with that. MPC One is too “big”. i still want to use DN as a hub/brain, while adding something on top. as for price, if product is good, im willing to pay.

In general im really hesitant towards samplers.
I feel like if i get one, im just going to sample DN into them. *
Which is not what i want to do because i dont have a problem where i run out of voices anyway.
btw: Thats why im considering Typhon, it sounds great and has some wiggle room for sound design. + effects.

*(i dont like to sample other peoples work, and going outside with a mic is rare)

I know its quite confusing, but im still trying to figure out what it means for myself :triumph:
I will gladly consider and research all suggestions that fit my wishlist.

I haven’t got one, but I always think the Roland MC-101 is the perfect counterpart to the Digitone, mainly because it follows the same 4-track approach and let’s you use the DN’s 4 midi-tracks.

The sounds are the same as the MC-707, which I do have, and it’s an archive of Roland sounds, and stupidly expansive.

The MC101 would also work as a standalone device to get you options beyond the Digitone too.


I understand 100%. FWIW, I don’t take a mic outside to sample birds or stuff like that. I sample music I like or beats or other sounds that I usually capture with my phone’s mic. Then I use the Dn to put melodies over the top of the beat (Think if Gold Panda played keys over the top of his sampling).

The Dn is probably my favorite melody making machine and it can sound way bigger than it’s 8 voices. A true treasure.


i was considering mc101 before i got DN.
they fit a very similar role in my mind, so what i would be doing on 101 wouldnt be much different from DN.
happy i went DN route because 101 ui is compromised in comparison, which is important to me.

i guess im coming to conclusion that i want to add something fun and sonically flexible, that would be able to use what DN can offer midi-wise.
(+ i dont mind it hogging both inputs because i intent having only 1 additional thing)

I’m using the DN, DT, and Typhon and it’s heaven. That being said I just ordered a black box to handle longer samples. The whole thing is controlled by the DT where I also use midi trigs to sequence the Typhon and a BS2.

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Thats awesome! If i decide on Typhon, id love to talk to you more, if you dont mind :heart_decoration:
Something about how it sounds, lures me in. And interface seems very nice.

Its still currently my top pick for the task

  1. typhon
  2. blackbox
  3. nanoboxes
  4. tetra
  5. sp404mk2
  6. mc101

im not in a rush btw
gotta take time to find what suits me best
thanks for all the suggestions so far! helpful.

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Sure! Also this guy really lays out the Typhon well:


I would suggest the Digitakt, and gently argue back against your “no Elektron” criterion. I think the way the Digitakt generates and manipulates sound is different enough to spark creativity, while you would benefit from the similarities in the sequencer and sound organization. It also works well standalone. If you really think a completely different UI is needed, the Blackbox offers the most scope among your choices (or maybe the SP404mk2, I don’t know a lot about that). You might also consider a Novation Circuit Rhythm, though it’s not quite as compact.


I’ll add to the SP love but with a spin. You could get a second hand SX/A at a decent price. You obviously lose the MKII features but the DN and SX/A make an awesome pair with the DN in charge.

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Yep, still the MC101 fits the bill though… it’s own UI isn’t great, but if you control it from the Digitone and map it, you’ve got those 8 cc controllers per track… all of a sudden, you have great hands on control of it.

Kind of making me want an MC101 myself here. :upside_down_face:


please update if you get one!
i doubt that ill go for mc101, but its nice to know whats out there. :content:

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A multitimbral Synth?

  • Blofeld
  • Micromonsta
  • etc.

I was also going to suggest considering the MC-101. I have a Digitone and MC-101 and I think they work really well combined. 4 MIDI tracks of the Digitone to control the 4 tracks of the MC.

They have such differing sounds that they cover a lot of sonic territory together. A lot of people seem to use the MC-101 as a sound module, but you can get a lot out of it, even on its own.

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One of my friends got a Micromonsta 2 literally yesterday and it sounds great combined with his Digitakt. :ok_hand:


I bought a MM2 specifically to complement my Digitakt. It is an impressive little box, especially for its price. But it’s hard to get hold of one, and there’s more overlap with the Digitone compared to the sample-based alternatives mentioned. [Edit: also, it is bi-timbral, not multi-timbral.]

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On paper Blofeld is nice, but i find its UI to be too slow for me. And im not huge on its sound. I dont want to include it in the options. Feel free to convince me otherwise though!

As for Micromonsta, i heard about it but never researched, thought its one of those low quantity run kickstarters that are impossible to get unless you live in the country of origin. I will check it out later.

Im leaning more towards a sound/FX module, rather than a sampler.
Since DN is crystal clear, it would be nice to have something dirty with it.

EDIT: i must specify that im not chasing more voices, just want fun sound, ease of use, and some depth to distract myself from DN whenever i feel stuck.

Ah, well, then the Analog Heat enters the picture. It doesn’t particularly feel like an Elektron box, except for the look and build quality. And it does wonderful things to what you feed into it, including the DT.

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