Update Analog Rytm MK2

you need to press Func+PAD first time to start programing performances, without FUNC just applies it. I’ll be glad if I’m wrong)


I didn’t know that one. I always long-press [Perf] or [Scene] to enter edit mode.


Just a few simple things to the sample engine would definitely push this instrument into a new league. Right now, you have to do a lot of preprocessing to make a sample very useful (filtering, EQ, cutting in detail, granular level start/end points etc.) Even just a digital high-pass and some more resolution on the start end times would put this onto a new plane.
It’s true that on the MK2 we can resample, so it’s possible to do on the machine stand alone. It would definitely open up new possibilities to be able to further process samples live and on the fly though, especially with Plocks!
I use my machine in the studio strapped to a patchbay, so using it in tandem with my modular system and other synthesizers without needing to move over to my DAW to edit and sample, would be a game changer in my workflow. I love what the signal chain does to samples while being reinforced with the synth engine. Pure magic!


And I did’t know about long-press, and this is great to know after years with RYTM. Thank you very much for this info. Feeling myself like Ricky Tinez a bit)


didn’t know about that one as well! much quicker and make more sense then the long press I used, thanks!


Thanks as a newcomer to the Rytm this is a very helpful tip. I’m finding the Rytm to be the most hands on fun Elektron box so far next to the Octatrack. Such a great combo.


It’s a nice machine but sample slicing is a must have - please!! Also why can’t we play 12 sounds at once if they are samples instead of machines? And of course a 2nd lfo would be nice.

But imagine putting an lfo on a sound, and resampling that sound and then chopping the sample? I mean that is where this machine would really go to the next level for me.

My other request would be more swing templates. I want more bounce on this thing. For now I use micro steps but it’s not the same.


Because it has 8 tracks, not 12. 8 filters, 8 VCAs, 8 mixer channels (well, maybe 14 if you include the Ext. In and FX).

Maybe they could do some kind of digital mixer in software, per track… but that sounds like it would need a very weird UI, assuming it was even technically possible.

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I want this effect in a pedal with recallable presets so bad

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I understand it has 8 analog machines but I am saying if you are just using samples they should make it so it expands to 12. Maybe use some digital filters if needed.

This is my lowest request and I doubt it happens but it would be nice to have.


The Machines are just the oscillators, in the same part of the signal flow as the sample playback engines. There’s probably only 8 sample players too. The filters and VCAs are after the sample players. So playing two sounds at once, assuming it’s even possible to do, would still pass on into the filter and VCA for a single track. They could be paraphonic at best.

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That would work for me. It boils down to if they could add sample players which I have no idea about.

Honestly my top wish is for actual sample slicing. I understand this machine was meant to probably be a 1 shot sample machine that you pair with an OT, but it’s crazy that very few Elektron machines can really be used standalone unless you make very minimal style beats or Plock samples and send your drums through 1-2 channels.

It hurts more with this machine because it sounds so good, and there is nothing really out there with a sound like this. So it makes me want to make full tracks on it, but it is very tough for my sound when I can’t slice up samples.


Doesn’t the editor go fine enough for you? I’m pretty sure I’ve used it to cut up samples. After you save a section you get taken back to the “main” recording, from what I remember (I don’t think I’ve done it for months and will have forgotten).

I mean… even if the sample editor was fine-grained or slice-y enough… I don’t think you can launch it for a pre-saved sample… I’ll have to get my Rytm out to check :smiley:


No you can’t slice a sample up and then go to the pads and play each slice, which is what I want. The way you are describing would mean that each slice will take up one of the 8 outs unless you want to use sample Plocks and that doesn’t always sound optimal since they will choke each other off even if you don’t want that.

The other workaround is using an LFO to sample start and dialing that in, but it’s not really the same for me.

many experts in this thread so I just want to verify, for the samples, there’s no way to make the sample END become LENGTH right? to create something granular-like by setting the LENGTH to 1 and just moving the START? I’d have to move both START and END simultaneously for that?


I can see how it would be nice to play slices/chains across the pads. Sounds like a specific case of the “12-levels” idea that gets discussed sometimes. I can’t see how it wouldn’t also choke tho’.

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At this point I will take what I can get…lol.

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The only way I’ve done anything similar is using either velocity mods or the performance macros

Probably can use aftertouch too but I don’t tend to use that


Choking would actually be great. I used to love working this way on the MPC1k. I wouldn’t mind having the ability to do this on just one track.