Update Analog Rytm MK2

yep that’s what I thought, by changing both values, not like in DT which seems to have a LENGTH instead of END. if it was LENGTH I could set it to short one and modulate the start with the lfo… could’ve been nice.

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Yeah that would be perfect for me: the ability to slice up the sample on a single track, and use the 12 pads to play them while they form a choke group (logically because theyre on the same track).

In addition to this: better resolution on samplestart/end, a digital base width filter for the samples, and visual feedback on the compressor!


Allowing this feature on every track would be incredible! 12x8 choked group tracks along with 4 alternates that would choke the chokes would create some sick combinations! Throw in probability and you’d have a RYTM jazz drummer!


This is very true and might be a key reason why there isn’t a sample slicing ability. This seems like one of those “slippery slope” feature requests. I could see there being a toggle for END vs. LENGTH (hopefully lockable) although I’m not sure where it’d logically go. There may also be CPU, UI, or other competing firmware limitations.

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hmm… don’t think that switching END to LENGTH somehow will affect cpu, after all you can hack your way to simulate length by moving both START and END simultaneously. so that’s basically the same thing only easier. imo it can be a switch in KIT or SOUND settings.
combined with finer values for START/END/LENGTH it could be granular heaven with 33 second samples!


Now that I’m looking at what’s on the sample page in the UI, I think that LOP (loop) on the sample page could be repurposed. Right now it’s an on/off control, so that’s 2 options. If it was loop on/off and sample end/length (i.e. 2 options each), you could collapse both those down to 1 control with 2 x 2 = 4 options that are combinations of those. That would probably mess with other stuff like save structure, but it wouldn’t mess too much with the UI.


Well, I bought last the AR MK2 Black last year and I gotta say…, I’m disappointed with the lack of updates and communication on Elektron’s part.

After spending nearly 2k on this machine, I’m sad to see the DT and ST getting a plethoras of regular updates while I feel we are left out in the cold…

First thing first, the compressor is UNUSABLE without a proper GR meter/visual feedback. To further add to the confusion, the damn MUP decreases the overall volume by 7-10db when is fully anti clockwise. This doesn’t make sense at all! Why on earth would you have negative values on the make up knob? The OG Rytm have some sort of visual feedback but not the newer MK2 model? Did Elektron ever care to explain why? At the very least they could try to add a gain reduction meter in OB for now…

The lack of a simple hpf for the sample layer is a major workflow issue I’m having right now. Yeah I know , I can resample and all but it is an hassle and frankly a huge pain to do it every time. Of course the DT have that.

2nd lfo. Come on now… both DT & ST have that.

Updated graphics. I find the DT & ST so much easier on the eyes and more fun to work with the nicer graphics and animation. Not the end of the world but again, can’t help feeling the second class citizen here…

So there you have it. People are rightfully pissed because the lower end boxes are getting all the goodies… And the AR IS the flagship. Just look at the price!

If the above doesn’t get fixed I’m done buying Elektron products. Vote with your wallet people. Is that simple!

Rant over, I feel better already :smiley:


Dunno for me the AR is an incredible instrument. I think it has a very well featured synth engine with sampling coverage on top. It’s got this gritty, dark character that to me adds something special to the sound. Not sure what it fucking does but I’m inspired whenever i switch it on.

If I could add a few things it’d be a second LFO, volume on input signal and - minor issue -
lighting up of the RETRIG button when pressing a TRIG with retrigger functionality (similar to M:C).

I’m far from pissed myself; the box is great and has some pretty incredible updates long into its life.
There are a few updates that I wouldn’t kick out of bed for eating crackers, but I have to say: a visual GR meter on compression is about the last thing I’d want/need. (If you are experiencing gain loss, it’s probably because you’re pushing your level into compression fyi; just turn everything down a bit to stay below the threshold)
If you can’t hear it, wants the point anyway?!

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I’m happy with my Mk2 as is, it does what I expect it to each and every time.

For me, if they did a Mk3 or made a new hybrid flagship machine, I’d want more sample storage and stereo sample engine. Also maybe a straightforward analog Bass & Lead Synth engine.


I agree with the general sentiment, that the AR is a great instrument. And if there is something more fitting for our purposes, we all have the choice of buying something else.

There can be many improvements, but I’ve also heard criticisms of the other big drummachines, like the jomox alphabase, or the tempest. These are more expensive, but there will always be something missing. And if whatever you have doesn’t glue with you, that doesn’t mean that this particular piece of gear should fill your every requirement, but that there’s something more fitting for you out there.

I love the AR, but I also feel like the OT might be more fitting for what I want, need and feel inspired by. This doesn’t take anything away from the AR, it simply reflects my way creating.


I’d love a second filter and sample slicing, but it’s dangerous to spend a lot of money on something for what it may or may not do in the future.

Buy it for what it does today. I’ve got the mk2 and I’m happy :blush:


There is a reason why I posted my love letter to Elektron last night😂 I f***ing love my AR but I can’t help feeling salty when I see the cheaper boxes getting updates left and right!

I get it, they are selling way more sub 1k units… So what? Should I feel content with what we have now just because the AR isn’t generating as much revenue to keep investors happy? F#%ck no! I paid for a PREMIUM product and I expect PREMIUM service in return! Kind of like when buying a Lexus. It’s more expensive than a regular Toyota, so is normal for customers to expect a better service and after care support, I’m right?

Nope. Not @Elektron. They are selling way more Corollas so their RX customer can basically go f’ themself?

I’m no fan boy as you all can probably tell :smiley: I’m a recent customer and I have no blind faith nor worship everything Elektron does or doesn’t do. I’m just stating FACTS based or their recent behaviors.

Lastly, the GR meter (at least in Overbridge), updated graphics, and BW filter for samples aren’t unreasonable requests. They were able to implement those features in their cheaper boxes, so what’s the problem? Money. Just plain and simple. The investment in time to develop those feature on the AR, won’t bring them as much money as their sub 1k unit.

Instead justify their actions and feeling content with what I have, I felt the need to speak up and say what’s on my mind.



as much as I’d love an update myself I’m not sure that I agree with everything you’re saying…

so for me premium means larger buttons, individual outputs, analog filters on every track, scenes, performance macros and you can change combinations between them with QPERF, I mean, that’s why I paid more and that’s what I wanted when I decided to buy the AR…

Little story

before getting the AR I’ve got myself a TR-6s which costs fraction of AR and on paper it has amazing stuff that AR doesn’t:

  • stereo sampling
  • more sound engines and pre built kits with FM and whatnot
  • insert FX of saturation and drive and ringmod and even master FX
  • sliders (those were my favorite actually)

after couple of months with it I realize that I don’t like the small buttons and it’s very hard for me to dial in kits with effects using single rotating button, I don’t like the sequencer with the motion thing and I really miss param locks, also I really miss the layout of trig/source/filter/amp layouts of things that are so much easier to work with… and even after all the glorious updates TR-6s got (and it got some real nice updates lately) I still would take Elektron sequencer + workflow any day over the roland. and that’s the premium features I paid for really…

I’m not sure I’m fully on board with comparing musical instruments to cars, for me cars are utility functions and musical instruments are something I get lost with when I create, so kinda different purpose. but if we’re comparing it with cars, I’d say that AR is a monster truck while the digis are rally cars, so if you get a monster truck that’s because you want the monster truck experience and not the rally car speed, and if the monster truck experience is not for you then you can always try a rally car… at least that’s the way I see it.

just wanted to clarify that I’m not justifying anyone’s actions but my own and my own approach how I see musical gear, and as you, just saying what’s on my mind…

that said…


What’s on my mind

WTF has happened to society?
How can we (with a straight face) buy something? Get what we paid for. Then complain it also does not contain our future desires (for increased functionality from a future update)…

I mean I’m stoked if it doesn’t have software bugs or manufacturing flaws and arrives as described. As far as updates go, if it maintains functionality and product compatibility as when purchased I’m satisfied as the sales contract has been met.

I think some of us are too used to getting participation trophies.


Your opinion is just as valid as anyone else’s.
Just for some perspective though: the Rytm is like what, ten years old? It has had sweeping new updates years into its life, way more than any other synth manufacturer generally ever does. Not just bug fixes, but totally new engines and features. This is one of the reasons I picked the Rytm; I want to support companies that invest in their own products and not just make extra junk for the landfills.
I wouldn’t count an update for the analogs out yet. If history is our teacher, I suspect there will be at least one more big update before they retire the hardware.


Not that I singled anyone out, but my comment obviously struck a chord with you…

Take responsibility for your choices.
You will be much happier with them and your life once you stop blaming others.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I agree with your sentiment @standingwave

I can’t think of another electronics company that releases updates to add features to discontinued products. If that doesn’t suggest that a company cares for its products and customers and not just $$$ what does?

One could even describe that as a premium service.


I could say the same thing​:joy::joy: Maybe you are little… Biased?

Anyway, let’s move on with the conversation, shall we? So, where is my compressor meter?!:scream::wink:

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some little QoL would be nice…
thats everything i tried to ask for!