Updates Grrr

So the new mainboard arrived today and I’ve built it in no new DSP Errors and stuff.
BUT the OS seemed to be somewhat corrupted (didn’t start up properly)
so I thought okay I need to update the MD once again.

And now I’m sitting here spending the last 4 hours to make it past the preparing flash screen or better to the god damn finish line.

I tried different USB ports for my interface which worked pretty good on the previous mainboard (longest time spending to update was an hour), but now it just doesn’t get past preparing flash (freezes)

I don’t know if I should be happy about the new working mainboard or enraged about the fact that I still can’t start working again because my MD won’t upgrade its software.

Any Ideas ?

I know absolutely nothing about building boards or anything of that nature.

I have found that when I do SYSEX backups via the TM-1/C6 I have to use a particular MIDI cable for the IN, and a particular cable for the OUT (creating the complete MIDI handshake with the MD and TM-1). If I have the MIDI cables reversed, the TM-1 does not transfer any data.

It is really weird, and I have no idea why it’s this way, but perhaps you have a similar issue?

have you set the sys-x speed limit? so to speak

then if you can try another set up with a different interface and s/w

that has always been my first few steps