Upgrading OB now requires two reboots

Are there any plans to streamline upgrading OB?

There was an OB update ready today and in order to install I first had run the uninstaller, reboot, install new version and reboot again.

Surely this could be streamlined. Updating software packages and a kernel module shouldn’t require two reboots, or even a separate uninstaller. Just quit any active OB related app/services, update software, update kernel and reboot. Rebooting to load a new version of a kernel module (kext) is not always needed. You can unload the old one and load the new one without any reboots.

In earlier versions uninstalling didn’t require a reboot. Also it would be nice if the installer and uninstaller don’t “force” you to force quit it when you’re not ready to reboot and just lets you quit the app normally. It doesn’t give any choices at all.

It’s quite obtuse to reboot twice to install a software and kernel module update. Please make updating OB more streamlined Elektron.