USB Audio into analog four

Having difficulty outputting audio to my A4 mki via USB from my Mac. I have it set as the audio device in logic, have also tried setting it as the main output for the OS, and sending test tones from the over bridge “audio & midi options” window. USB is set to over bridge, USB audio to main is set to +18db in the audio routing screen, volume is turned up on the ext-in page. what am I missing here?

I’m listening through headphones, does it only go through the main outs?
EDIT: just hooked the main out L to my amp, nothing.

EDIT 2: I should also add, I can get audio from the analog four just fine. if I open the Analog Four over bridge app, audio will come out of my laptop speakers, if I make an audio track in logic set to inputs 1-2, I get the main output of the analog four.

Did you set the output channels in the Overbridge Control Panel properly? I can get it to work without problems using Live just by selecting the A4 as the audio output and enabling the main channels.

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This is what I was missing. I forgot there was a separate overbridge control panel.

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Actually no. I currently use an Analog Four live, and don’t have a small portable audio interface, I was looking for ways to add other backing track elements via logic.

edit: well, now that I’ve got it working, I can see there’s is a kind of insane amount of lag. so maybe this isn’t really the best solution after all.

edit 2: shutting down overbridge engine and restarting the A4 fixed the lag.

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