USB audio master volume?

I recently got the M:C and was able to get it working with Ableton Live 10.1, via ASIO4ALL so I could have its audio + my interface. The audio from the M:C is so loud it goes hard red on its input indicator, and has even shut down the audio on AL10 a couple of times. I turn the “Main Volume” knob but it doesn’t seem to affect the USB audio-- appears to only affect the headphones/main outs. I looked through the manual but I cannot find a master volume setting. Frustrating!

I checked back and there was one other post about this but it seems the only answer was turning individual tracks down, which only works on a per-pattern basis anyway. Pretty major flaw which could be fixed super-easy in an update I would think.

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I’m having the same issue so bumping in case someone has come up with a good workaround since it was first posted!

I’m facing this as well. The volume/dist control of a voice is part of the sound shaping so turning that down is suboptimal. Attenuating the signal using the master vol would be great.

Right now I have to always use the jack outs to record. I’d love to be able to record via USB, it’s one of the things I love about my Typhon.

Am I missing something here?