USB audio/midi drops out

Hi all!

Is anyone having same issue like me? If I use Digitone as a USB-audiointerface it works most of the time well but some times audio engine goes silent. For example I am routing my Pianoteq soft synth standalone app’s sound to Digitone. What happen is that audio goes silent and I need to re-open Pianoteq app. That helps. Digtone’s USB audio is a great feature but I just hope it would be more realiable.

Is there anything to fix this?


Which firmware are you on?

This was a bug with 1.30 that should be fixed in 1.30A.

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Many thanks @DreamXcape !!!

In fact I THOUGHT I was having the newest OS but it was 130 (not 130A). So now I am updating and hoping for the best! :grinning:


1.30a doesn’t seem to solve the problem for me…
how about you?

(with 1.30a) I have had couple of audio drops. Not very often but still. I changed my usb cable to Elektron cable, just in case. Let’s see how this goes…

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Good luck ))
P.S mine is connected with OM cable directly to mac usb port still acts weird)

I’m having a horrible time with this issue on Digitone. Sometime I get several minutes, sometimes only a few seconds before audio quits. Running 1.30a and using elektron USB cable. Have to close Ableton, restart DN, reopen Ableton to get going again. GRRRR!

Is this using the class compliant driver or Overbridge?

I’ll have to look more into the difference between those. My Windows PC only recognizes DN when overbridge is checked and the OB engine is running. Nothing happens when USB audio/midi is checked. Is that the class compliant mode?

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Sorry, I have not used Windows, or Overbridge, for a long time, so I am not sure about all those detailed settings.

Having better results now by running the OB plugin inside Ableton and selecting audio from Digitone rather than Ext. In. :sunglasses:

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Awesome! Overbridge was pretty nice the few times I tried it out. Happy it is working out for you!