USB Audio routing from AR

Hi there, I want to have a crack at my own DIY audio effects unit for my AR. I would preferably like to be able to route all 8 voices into the unit via USB for ease of cabling, and to avoid needing extra ADCs in my own build.

How easy will it be to pick up and decode the USB audio coming out of the AR? Or do you need overbridge to make it work?

Thanks in advance for any ideas!

edit: As a note, I am a capable programmer with embedded processor experience, and a bunch of DSP chips to play with… so as long as the audio signal is transmitted, and I have some idea of how to decode it, I should be able to pull something off

And as a related question… if I was wealthy enough to be able to afford an FX processor like the Eventide H8000FW, which allows 8 audio inputs via FireWire, would I be able to route audio directly from the AR to the Entide via a USB to FireWire connection (whatever that might require to work)?

Zero chance of a direct connect to your Eventide
and IMHO there’s next to zero chance of you successfully intercepting the proprietary overbridge stream, I think even if Elektron gave you (they won’t) the magic key to unlock it it would still be an improbable task given their experience making it work on a computer … obviously that hunch could be wrong wrt the latter, but I applaud your spirit :thup:

I thought it might be the case with the eventide or anything else like it. I guess the USB audio routing is all controlled by software on your PC and encoded / decoded in a specific way.

I’m not so convinced I couldn’t pull it off myself. I’ve tackled some mighty big and complex audio DSP tasks before. I definately have the will and patience :smiley: it will be much harder if you’re correct that Elektron wouldn’t give me a leg up though. I’d have to start analysing and translating all the data, lol.

I suppose I should wait until Elektron reveal what their next machine is going to be mind, on the off chance that it is an fx box like some people are hoping