Use Octatrack for backing track in specific way

I have no possibility to test oktatrack, and I need to know if it’s possible to use it in that way before buy it:

Song is split intro parts (up to 10 even more)
I’d like to predefined each part of song to play that way:

Count In 2 bars (play once -then automaticaly go to next part)
Intro (Loop, change to go next part by pressing footswitch (I play by my 2 hands on synth, not possible to push it on Oktatrack while this)
1 Verse (play once -then automaticaly go to next part)
1 Prechorus (play once -then automaticaly go to next part)
ect, ect

Instrumental solo (Loop, change to go next part by pressing footswitch when finished solo)
Last Chorus (play once -then automaticaly go to next part)
Outro (Loop, change to go next part by pressing footswitch)
Ending (play once -then automaticaly stop, and the best option is to have possibility of decide: go to next song and play, or go to next song and just wait for start command)

I’d like to have also midi tracks on every part for send program change command to two of Voice Live, two synthesizers and Spd-sx, and cc command for change steps on Voice Live

I will be grateful for your help

In general it seems not impossible, but there might be some workarounds required.

The OT does not support footswitches directly. You will need to send midi information to the OT to change patterns or parameters. There are midi-footswitches on the market …

If you have both hands busy, there could be a little problem to have some of your parts “chained” automatically - you can prepare this with the arranger mode - but then leave this mode for the solo, and then go back to a chained mode.

Sending CC out of the OT is easy and 8 tracks/channels are available. All 8 channels are part of one pattern and provide flexible control potential.

Since your application is way different from the usal use of the OT (a performance sampler with hands-on) you should get the manual downloaded and check carefully with the features and the midi implementation.

From your description I would assume, your application is more directed to a kind of keyboard like the Tyros or similar gear with functions of an arranger keyboard extended by sample playback.

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In general it seems not impossible, but there might be some workarounds required.


The OT does not support footswitches directly. You will need to send midi information to the OT to change patterns or parameters. There are midi-footswitches on the market …

no problem :slight_smile:
If you have both hands busy, there could be a little problem to have some of your parts “chained” automatically - you can prepare this with the arranger mode - but then leave this mode for the solo, and then go back to a chained mode.

Great option is not have to remeber to arm Loop mode, but just when finish solo or another looped part, just disarmed Loop (do midi implementation have arm/disarm loop mode function? maybe we can program it on midi track?)

Sending CC out of the OT is easy and 8 tracks/channels are available. All 8 channels are part of one pattern and provide flexible control potential.


Since your application is way different from the usal use of the OT (a performance sampler with hands-on) you should get the manual downloaded and check carefully with the features and the midi implementation.

Below is a midi implementation form owners manual of Oktatrack, is it complete? (I can’t see playing mode command :frowning:

[Moderator’s note: for clarity of reading the Topic, I deleted the entire contents of Appendix C of the Octatrack manual that you copied and pasted here.]

Perhaps (forget Arranger mode for now) you can loopback the midi (through a midi router, or maybe even simply connecting it to itself than using the Thru port as the normal output) so that the OT will change pattern on itself. And it will change to the next one, except for the instrumental, etc… patterns., when you will have to do it manually.

Changing patterns manually: You must program a suitable MIDI footswitch so that it will send program change messages. There are A-P ‘banks’, each having 16 patterns. So for example B3 corressponds to MIDI program (B-A)*16+(3-1) = 18.

I think this could work, and once you know the machine, it’s not a great deal of hackery either!

To clarify: Must turn off sending regular program/pattern change messages, but turn ON receiving program change messages. And use one of the MIDI tracks to send program changes. It will send at the start of the pattern, but it can be configured in pattern settings to wait for the end of the pattern for actually acting on it. Thus it chains.

I hope all of a song has the same tempo though… Because if using this way there is no automatic tempo change (it can be only done with the arranger afaik). Of course you can change tempo quickly if you have a (1) free hand.

The Octatrack is capable of almost all that you require.

For hands-free operation, the Octatrack’s Arranger mode will be the better option. However, to have your introduction playing repeatedly and then moving to the Verse 1 section of your song, you would need to press a few buttons on the Octatrack itself.

The other option is to use a MIDI pedalboard that is pre-programmed with MIDI Program Change messages that correspond to Octatrack pattern numbers. With this option, you would need to press a different footswitch to go to the next section of the song every time.

The Octatrack can chain arrangements (songs) but must be controlled manually, or you can place more than one song in an arrangement and pause and restart the arrangement between each of your songs.

On page C-1, it is shown that the sequencer can be started, stopped and re-started with MIDI note numbers 33, 34, and 35.

The Octatrack also responds to standard MIDI transport messages.

Changing tempo can be done with an external master clock which is controllable by program change, which the OT is able to send. One such device: (manual: This was only a quick google search, I am sure there are other options as well.

I think Arranger is great tool for such jobs. IMHO you don’t even have to buy midi-footswitch – just create arrangement of your song and OT will make job for you. In case you want to have part for long improvisation, you can just set i.e. 100 repeats of needed part and when you are done with impro – just press ‘down’ and ‘yes’ button – pattern will change to the next one after finishing of current iteration without interruptions. In the same time if you want to repeat impro againg – just press ‘yes’ on the row with your impro part.

Yes, but what you are saying Uturunku necessitates a free hand. Not sure if the OP has one.

Thanks for all! Great ideas!

So can anybody check if there is possibility of turn on next part of arrangement by midi controller?


There is not.

What’s your experience. Do Oktatrack founders reads this forum? Maybe its not difficult to add this midi command in next sotware update? Any ideas?

Although some Elektron staff read the forums, the best way to make a feature request is to create a support ticket via the Elektron website.

I raised a similar ticket in the past.

At this stage of the Octatrack’s development, it seems unlikely that a new feature will be added unless a large number of users request it.

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I will try!

Thanks to all

I wouldn’t hold my breath! Just make a buy decision (yes or no) based on current state of Octatrack. As I said, what you are proposing is I think possible (but without the arranger mode but how I said if you don’t have a free hand).

it’s possible to do it for desirable midi channell. Remember please, I need to send program change command to VL3 and other instruments


I am not sure I understand your last question. But you can select any of the 16 channels for program sends/actual notes. And you have 8 independent MIDI tracks for that.

Each midi track of the OT can be set to send to a channel number from 1 to 16.

Each midi track provides Midi-Track-Parameter-Pages to setup the midi data. We have

  • midi channel, bank, and prog change
  • four notes, velocity, length, and transpose
  • CCs for pitch bend, aftertouch and
  • CC1 to CC10, which we can set up as we like