Use Rytm MK2's reverb as external audio effect

Is it possible to send audio from Ableton to the Elektron Analog Rytm MK2 and monitor the wet signal so that I can get it back into Ableton?

I want to use Rytm’s reverb by utilising Abletons “external audio effect” on a return channel.

Should be. I don’t have a Rytm but you can do this with all the Elektron boxes I do own (A4, Digitone, Digitakt, Octatrack, Syntakt).

If you check the last diagram of the sound architecture, you will find that the inputs come after the effect return signal. So it won’t work.

@synthbie, if you are thinking about the EXT INPUT L/R, no that can’t be used. But perhaps “AUDIO IN” can be used?

How do you do it on the other machines @OldmanChompski?

On the Digis you just plug the input cables in and then you turn up the external mix and those can be sent to the effects. Octatrack is similar though probably not worth doing it for the effects the Octatrack has.

Works via overbridge but not standalone

Ok, but that’s even better. How do I set this up with Overbridge in Ableton?

Just select the on the output of your track in ableton which track in the Rytm you want it to go to. You can actually use the Rytm as a 8 channel mixer.

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I might try this to better learn how it behaves for mixing its internal synths. My mixes mostly sound crap on it :rofl:

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These are the options I get using overbridge. The options are Sidechain 1/2 through 7/8 etc. Not sure how to set it up, and how to configure Rytm to use the reverb and get it back into Ableton.

You’ll have to configure it inside ableton preferences and allow all the IO

So use USB Audio instead, not Overbridge? Tried it, and I can send audio to the Rytm sampler but don’t understand how I can send it to the reverb.

Edit: reading the manual section 14.6, using a bit of creative audio routing settings, seems to make it possible. Will try tomorrow. But haven’t figured out how to do it using overbridge. Would rather do that if possible.

Relevant pages from the manual:

The manual suggests that if you send USB Audio to “pre-FX”, then it goes through some FC. I assume this means the distortion and compressor. I interpret the rest as saying that you can send audio down one or two instrument tracks and have it go through the filter and amp on that track: I assume that means you can also turn up the delay and reverb sends. Don’t forget to trig the track.

Im pretty sure it should be set to Overbridge mode to use this function

Don’t think it’s described in AR manual, only mentioned in overbridge manual

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Thanks! Got it working also with Overbridge. Yes, it was about setting up where the 1/2 should enter the audio routing as @Bloop posted a screenshot of.


I love happy endings. This is a definitely feature of the Rytm that is not given enough credit.

In Ableton at least it’s a bit cumbersome since you can’t use it with the “external audio effect” device. You have to be creative how you route audio between tracks in Ableton and then deal with potential audio latency issues. So it won’t make it into my normal workflow, but great that it is possible.

I don’t really use overbridge much, but I’m imagining rendering arranged stems and sending them through the Rytm with fun performance macros would be an effective way to add final fx

Or sending any audio through and using real time performance controls to do character mixing.