Uses for "Sync B"

I had forgotten that the Digitone has a “Sync B” option, shared with “MIDI Thru”:

What are people using that for?

There is also Sync A.

Both midi OUT and THRU can send midi or 2 different types of sync. DIN 24 (Roland TB303, TR808…), DIN 48 (Korg…)

• MIDI makes it possible for the port to send out MIDI data.
• DIN 24 will make the port send DIN 24 sync pulses. No MIDI data is transferred over the port when this option is selected.
• DIN 48 will make the port send DIN 48 sync pulses. No MIDI data is transferred over the port when this option is selected.


is is possible to SEND MIDI Commands to SYNC B ?
don’t work for me…
SYNC A sends properly to Moog 32 on channel 5, but don’t see midi via SYNC B

No - because SYNC B is a different format, it’s DinSync

You can have Midi Thru echo what’s appearing at the MIDI In, but it does not offer a second MIDI destination port

It’s a Thru port (MIDI) or a DIN Sync Port


And before anyone asks, you can’t echo the USB-MIDI In to the Thru.

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thx… scratching my head …

what i did is , i connected DN and OCTA with 2 MIDI cables (IN / OUT,so it’s bi-directional )

m32 is connected to DN “MIDI THRU”
==> i can control m32 via OCTA :checkered_flag:

is it possible to send MIDI from DN -> OCTA, and make OCTA forward this incoming messages via MIDI OUT, so it’s seen also by DN “MIDI THRU” ?

does it make sense ??

i believe if MIDI parameters are set that already match the incoming data from another device, these will be sent out - but that’s a marginal workaround situation that may need some setting up

otherwise not really without using a merge to combine two signals

i’m not sure of the wisdom (or feasibility) of trying to merge if one stream is Turbo Midi (as would normally be one reason to bidirectionally link two Elektrons)

In any case we’re veering away from teh topic - in order to get some added MIDI routing flexibility longer term it’s handy to have a thru, a merge, or a midi patchbay or flexible modern device - there’s loads of threads on the pros/cons and options

teh midi rules are pretty well established - the one sniff of this working for you is if you preempt the CCs you want to forward via Out, by assigning these in a dedicated MIDI track on OT - that way the data (iirc) may be forwarded akin to a thru, but appearing at out - there may be caveats to doing so - it’s not something i need to do, but it might be something to investigate - but probably best to try this out or find a different thread to develop