Using a Machinedrum SPS-1 UW MK1 with Reason 9

Looking for instructions on how to connect a Machinedrum SPS-1 UW MK1 to Reason 9?

Many thanks in advance, Charles

Depends on what you want to achieve, I got my Elektrons running with Reason, where Reason is the master clock.

So the basic setup for this is go to Reason Settings, and then “Sync” and choose your Midi Interface in the output section of Midi Clock Sync, then in the transport bar choose Sync Mode to “Send Midi Clock”. Create a Audio Track/s for the audio ins from your MD
and enable monitoring.
Next in your MD set your midi setting to external sync.
Now when you start Reason, MD should sync right away.

This is the just the basic, you can of course set up so the Matrix will send Midi doing all kinds of stuff to the MD, or the use the MD as the master and sequence a Thor for example, but for me I like to use each Elektron box as it is and just get the audio in separatly into Reason for more processing.

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