Using AK or A4 as effects box with OB and my soundcard

Hi guys, i wonder if anyone would be kind enough to walk me through or point me to instructions for what i think should be a simple use of the AK but which for some reason I am unable to do.
I am using a MBP and Ableton, and a UCX fireface soundcard. I want to send a track of audio from Ableton to the AK, process it with the AK effects, then send this processed signal back to another track in Live. I want to keep using my UCX soundcard. I believe this should all be possible but cannot find any manual info, any vids or anything else on how to do it. Any help most gratefully received!! Cheers :slight_smile:

You can do that using Totalmix FX.

Hey thanks for the reply. Sorry, but do you mean I can use the Totalmix effects instead of the AK ones or do you mean something else? I really want to use the AK effects. Cheers!

No I mean you can use Totalmix FX to route your audio signal from Ableton to the AK and then back to Ableton, but you need 4 cables.

For example: you set your track to the 15-16 outputs in Ableton (they should be seen as adat 1-2 in your software playback window in Totalmix).
In Totalmix you send the adat 1-2 signal to hardware out 3-4 so you can feed the AK inputs, then you send back the wet signal from the AK outputs to the 1-2 hardware inputs.
In Ableton you select inputs 1-2 and you have your track back in your daw.

I don’t know if it’s possible via usb only, I will check tomorrow.

oh yeah i see what you mean, thanks. And yes, I was really hoping to be able to do this via OB/USB so it would be good to know if you discover anything. I read somewhere about someone setting up an aggregate soundcard in the Midi utility of their MBP in order to use both the AK and the UCX as a soundcard and apparently this worked for them…but i haven’t been able to get it to work like this either :frowning: