Using AR's Performance midi to control Digitone

Hi All,

I’m looking for a way to use the ARs pads to modulate the sounds that my Digitone makes. Seeing that the pads send out Midi CC messages in Performance mode, i was hoping to leverage this. It doesn’t seem like you can change which messages are going out, and the DN only listens to Breath, AT, PB, and Mod Wheel.

Is there some sort of clever trick to make this work??

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I’m unfortunately way behind on learning features on the Rytm, however I’m hoping to catch up on Rytm stuff in January.
Using the pads for other stuff than just muting/selecting tracks would be something that I would be interested in this as well.
Performance template and funky midi routings (if there was ever anything called that)are also on my list

The Performance pads send out CC 36-47 beautifully, maybe I should post this as well in the DN topic… for a synth like the DN that has the reputation of being “deep” it would surprise me that it can’t take advantage of all these modulation triggers

My original problem was the DN not picking up on Polyphonic Aftertouch messages, only on Channel aftertouch which I think is really a big shortcoming

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Thought I’d ping this thread since this is something I would love to be able to use as well. Has anybody found a way to do this? I assume that it could be doable with a smart midi-cable like RK002 or something like that…(?)