Using cycles as a guitar backing track

I want to use my model cycles as a backing track to a song.

I want to hit play and then use a midi pedal to change from pattern 1 (verse) to pattern 2 (chorus) as I play guitar.

My challenge comes when a verse or chorus is over 64 steps.

I know I can use func + page to change the length of a pattern to 64 steps but what if the length of the verse is 96 steps?

Thanks in advance

What’s happening @Kwiecinski, welcome!

If you want to simply extend the duration that the pattern plays, you can set the ‘CHG’ to whatever length you want (up to 1024 steps).

If you go into the Scale Setup menu (FUNC + PAGE), you can set your 64 step pattern to change after it plays 96 steps.

Thanks for the response.

I presume for the last 32 steps of the 96 it will play the first 32 steps of the sequence?

Yeah, it will just play through the steps until the change length. Creative Probability can be used to add variety.

Alternatively, you could use more than two patterns to extend the pattern length. Chorus A:64-B:32

Another option worth exploring is Scale, you can play the tracks at various speeds. 48 steps at 1/2 is ‘equivalent’ to 96 steps.

Hopefully some combo of the above will get you rolling.