Using Digitakt sequencer with sp404 mk2

Hi, I own a Digitakt and I’ve recently bougth a sp404 mk2. My idea was to pair them in order to use Digitakt sequencing ability alongside effects and sample chopping of the sp. I connected them via MIDI and managed in controlling the pads of sp with a midi track of the Digi and using chromatic mode. I can record a sequence by playing the keyboard of the Digi but I would like to record the sequence by playing directly sp pads. Anyone know if it is possible?

I tried the same thing and ended up with a feedback loop of triggers between devices. I think it’s possible to make it work if you turn off the digitakt’s midi output while recording into its sequencer then turn it back on and the midi input OFF when playing back the sequence. In other words, too much trouble to be worth it IMO.

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I think if I was trying this, I would try setting up the 404 to send MIDI to a track on the Digitakt that’s not sending MIDI to the 404. I’d then just copy and paste that track to the one going out to the 404. There’s probably a more elegant way to do it. But I think that would work.


Yeah I tried this same thing with the AR, the different options like the one mentioned by @Doug kind of work, but are too much hassle to be worth it imo. I settled on trying out things on the sp, and then playing/sequencing that from the AR as soon as I know what I want. Works great, I love that workflow.