Using Digitakt with Midi Baby for stop/start toggle

Hey ya’ll!

I bought a Midi Baby from Disaster Area Designs in hopes to use it with my Digitakt to start/stop patterns on stage with my foot instead of my hand (i’m a bass player). I have a project with several patterns that have varying tempos. I’ve found out how to make the Midi Baby stop and start the patterns, the only issue is that the tempo that i’ve chosen on the Digitakt gets globalized by the Midi Baby rather than honoring the respective patterns tempo. I can tap the tempo with the Midi Baby, but I ultimately just want it used as a start stop instead of a tempo setter, so that I can press play on the beat with the right tempo per song (the beats for the songs are separated into patterns within the project, ya know?) Does anybody have experience with this? Is there a setting within the Digitakt that could allow me to fix this? Perhaps it’s in the midi baby editor, but I just cant figure out where if so.

Let me know and thanks for reading!

on my part I use a midi pedal to switch from pattern to pattern.
why not disable clock receive clock in the Digitakt settings. just keep the transport receive settings checked!
it should work !