Using digitone with midi controller

hello there guys here is my situation…
Im using a midi controller to play the notes on the Digitone but maybe i have something seted up on it that wrongly, when i change between tracks the sound does not change.

is this normal?

i wanted to when play the keys on the controller and if i skip to another track i could control the sound assign to that specific track??

im also having problems when im playing through the controller and i set it to record mode. it doesn not record the sequence. any tips on that???

thanks a bunch

Set the controller to the autochannel configured in the digitone.

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Hi! Make sure your controller’s midi channel is set to DN’s auto channel. I think by default DN’s auto channel is 10 and tracks 1-4 correspond to midi channels 1-4. So if your controller set to channel 1 you will be playing track 1 even if you select other tracks on DN.

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guys thank you so much . it worked. ˜˜!!!

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it’s DN’s channel 14 by defult. just so you know.

much love!

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