Using long samples with Rytm

Hey guys I’m currently trying to decide on a machinedrum uw vs the rytm. I like the midi out on the uw, and the 16 tracks, the rytm I’m not super into the analog side of it, I’m assuming its similair to the analog osc on the A4 which were good for somethings but overall wasn’t for my sound. What I am interested with the rytm is the ability to have long samples (think vinyl, vocals, etc.) and the extra effects plus micro timing. Does anyone have both units and have one that they prefer as a drum machine/ sampler? Can you have 8 tracks of samples on the rytm and not use the analog voices at all? Any gritty 808 type sounds programmable on the rytm? Any examples of non percussion samples you’ve used in tracks? Thanks.

Yes, and well, technically 12 tracks of samples, if you include the choke groups. There are 8 voices, 12 tracks. Plus sound locks. In theory you could have up to 512 different sample hits playing in a single 64 step pattern (8 voices x 64 steps with a different sample hit per step)… You would have to use a sample/waveform chain to achieve this, but it can be done. Suffice it to say, there aren’t many limitations. The few limitations there are can be overcome with creative solutions.

But yes, you can choose not to use the analog voices all together.

Any gritty 808 type sounds programmable on the rytm?

Yes, definitely. Aside from the drum synth machines themselves able to create 808 grit, There’s overdrive per track, as well as a master distortion effect that is p-lockable on the FX track.

Any examples of non percussion samples you’ve used in tracks?

Kick, bass, clap and one of the hat sounds are Synth, the rest are all samples. I use a lot of synth waveforms in sample chains to do synth lines on the Rytm.
Generally I use about 60% samples and 40% synth.

Watch these for a better idea of capabilities.,d.eXY,d.eXY