Using multiple samplebanks in 1 snapshot

Hi folks,

My plan was to make different samplekits all in 1 snapshot, so when having a library of sounds it’s nice to choose from when making a song.
I always taught it was possible to use different or several samplebanks into 1 snapshot but I’m only be able to do this by manually loading a new samplebank in the same snapshot. I think it’s not even possible to have different samplebanks all open at the same moment.
Do you guy’s have a solution for this?

kind regards

not possible
A Snapshot has always one Sample bank linked. Manual Page 78 ff.

As electrosmog said, it’s not possible to automatically have several samplebanks available per snapshot, but you can easily switch sample banks using a short cut.

So you just have to remember where you’d like to switch samples.

Hi guy’s,

Thank you for the answers, I appreciate it very much!
Yet I found it unpleasant to work this way.
Making a liveset based on samples with several banks than seem to be not easy & is certaintly not straight forward I think.
I also would than need to place the same samples again in different samplebanks & manually loading then. pfffffff :slight_smile:

You do get used to it.
It just kind of forces you to work a little different. At first I thought it would bother me, but I learned to work within those limits. Don’t forget all the tricks you can use to squeeze more samples in…lower sample rates, sampling at higher pitch then tuning down, putting multiple samples in the same sample and using start offsets to choose them.
Just some ideas.

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