Using OB with Elektron as Soundcard


Been a while since I’ve looked at this…

Basically I have the a4 and aR connected via USB and I set one of them as the main soundcard, say the Rytm, and then route the main analog outs to my monitors.

However, I only hear the Rytms audio which is connected to the speakers, although in Ableton I see levels metering from the A4 connected via USB, but cannot hear it through the RYTM as soundcard?

Does this make sense?

I’ve tended to use an additional soundcard in the mix, which always works, but I was sure this method worked also.

Must be doing something wrong… Anyone got any ideas?

I don’t think you can use the RYTM as a soundcard :confused:

Pretty sure you can.

I have it the other way now.

A4 is the soundcard, and I’ve got RYTM coming in, and even stuff from Ableton on another track, listening on the A4’s headphone out jack.

SO that works -

But the problem now is, the A4’s signal is doubled up, like its in an echo chamber…

Ok I figured it out.

So the Rytm routes into the L/R ins of the A4, OB takes care of sync and sending audio from Live (operator etc) to the A4, all audio then out the main outs / headphones of the A4.

Not how I remembered it, I guess you can’t do it the way I was trying.

To me the audio jacks on macbook pros dont sound so great, at least to my ears its nicer to jack into the Elektron boxes, and with this method I don’t need an extra soundcard.

Cool for now!

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