Using Overbridge in Production

Is anyone regularly using Overbridge while producing tracks?
I see lots of questions and setup tutorials but no ‘in-use’ topics.
It doesn’t work well enough in Logic which has been my DAW of choice for a long time but I’ve decided to bite the bullet and start making tracks in Live.

Would be really interested to know any workflow tips* and if people are successfully using it in productions along with softsynths/fx and other hardware.

*it’s already setup, I’ve been using it in live sets

using it all the time for tracking my Rytm MkI into ableton.
normally I record all tracks simultaneously without FX (OB/USB bandwidth limit) and no other soft/hardware involved and add those in later, once the Rytm tracks are in ableton and I can lower the sample rate to 44khz, as I do get some clicking when my old CPU from 2011 becomes overloaded during recording.

this one is all Rytm into ableton via OB:

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Thanks for your response and nice track.

Did you have to move the audio you recorded through Overbridge to get it synced up or did it record on grid?

Yes there’s a slight bit of latency that I cut away first thing after recording using ‘delete time’. This is the quickest way to have all tracks aligned as you recorded them and getting the transients to fit precisely onto the ableton grid.


Use it all the time. It’s the only way to track all the mk1 a4 synths at the same time.

It’s also great for getting a bit deeper with sound design, due to the gorgeous UI.

Programing performance macros is much easier with overbridge

Managing the drive is much better using overbridge as you just drag and drop, or delete on screen.

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It’s rather useless for me, the audio streaming is glitchy and I prefer to edit hardware on the hardware itself and avoid using the mouse as much as possible.

Yeah that’s how I work when writing and tweaking, but some things are just easier to accomplish in a DAW.
OB is nice because it lets me record the hardware jams without much hassle.
The glitches only appear due to my old mac not being up to the task of recording simultaneously via OB and my interface.

How old is your Mac? I’m not convinced that a more modern Mac will eliminate the issue… (mine is an i7 dual core 2.66GHz from 2010).

i7 dual 2.7 ghz, 2011,


model 8,1

I think you’re right that the issue is because of using OB audio and another audio interface at the same time. I think Elektron worked on OB until they got it to work OK on its own and didn’t bother with this problem which is probably much more complex. It doesn’t look like it will ever be fixed for the mk1 machines, since the info for the new software states that only the mk2 machines have “high speed USB audio”…

some things I do:

  • turn off the DAW’s audio input driver

  • activate OB via the external application panel.

  • use the VST version of the OB ‘Analog Rytm’ plugin, the AU was giving me glitches too, haven’t checked the AU since, as the VST is adequately stable.


Right. I’ve heard that AU plugins that require clock sync are problematic. Will try again with the VST version.

Interesting…can anyone else confirm?

I’ve been using AU out of force of habit (coming from Logic).

I guess my main concern is that they (A4+RYTM mk1) play nice with other gear and plugins while writing/producing, I don’t want to have to stop and piddle about while making.

Anyone else write full tracks within their DAW utilising OB & other gear + plugins?
I’m going to have a play tonight and will report back if I discover anything interesting.

I use it to bring in the A4 and Rytm into Ableton Live.

Thanks for this post. It gives me renewed hope that Overbridge for the A4Mk2 will live up to my hopes. I’ve been somewhat regretting my purchase lately, due to not using the A4Mk2 as much as it deserves because I’m more of a software guy than a hardware guy. Really hoping that the next generation of Overbridge gets released soon.

Really? You’d rather stick to a horrible pixellated mono screen than take advantage of a full colour, high-res computer display? That seems really strange to me. I’d also point out that just because you are working on a computer doesn’t mean you have to use a mouse. You could set up a MIDI controller and use the knobs on it instead. Even a $100 controller will have more knobs than an A4/AK so it would be better in every way.