Using OverBridge with Analog Keys, Minibrute and Maschine Studio in Logic

Sorry for the noob question, but I’m fresh to using Elektron gear -

Any advice on routing an Analog Keys (cv controlling a Minibrute) with Maschine Studio using Overbridge into Logic Pro X? Or would it just be better to control the Minibrute and AKeys from Maschine with MIDI? If I do that, will I lose the ability to do Total Recall from the Overbridge GUI? Thank you for any advice!

Oh - and if anyone is wondering why I don’t just get off my ars and try this myself — I’m away from my gear for about a week, and am stuck trying to find the answer in the manuals — but no luck there. I know one of you has the answer! Feed me!!!

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That’s the worst!

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