Using predefined loop-points

Hello dear Nauts,

I wanted to ask if someone can give me a hint on how to set loop-points in pre-produced chord-samples e.g.

I often use perfectly looped pads (or other sounds) that don’t necessarily loop perfectly “on the bar” but use a crossfade software by Björn Bojahr.

This gives me a perfect looping chord with original attack. The loop is just somewhere and that is no problem with an e.g. infinite trigger length as it loops seamless.

What makes me crazy is that the Octatrack does not make it easy to use this because one has to manually adjust the loop-points.

I often have chains of chords with quite some samples in it. I have to do this for every slice.

Does someone know a better method? I really like this way of using the samples. But setting them up is a pain.

Thank’s in advance for every thought

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That’s neat software. I’ll have to check it out. Can you make the loop start point the start point of the sample and adjust the attack as needed in the OT?

I loop my samples (synth-loops from different synths usually) and set them up to be chains to save sample slots.
After importing them I have to manually set the loop-points for every slice.
Of course this can be done but it’s tedious an not very precise in the AED.

I haven’t used it yet but maybe Octaedit could be useful for this?

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Not available ATM, sadly :neutral_face:


Oh, didn’t notice that :confused:

Slice Loop points works for you ?

IIRC it doesn’t work anymore since an update…

Hello Sezare,
slice loop-points? I don’t understand what you are asking.
I use Octachain to build…well, chains.
Some of the slices work in a beats/bars fashion.
Others are looped to be played at arbitrary lengths.
Slices can have loops, right?
So I can setup my samples (crossfade-loop) before, import them and the only thing I have to then is to match the loop points.
This is the hard part. I seem to miss the right loop points and my former seamlessly looping samples start to wobble or click.
I know how to use zero crossings.

What is IIRC?

Theoretically. IIRC (If I Remember Correctly), there is a bug with it. Slice can be looped, but not from Loop point. Have to be checked

Ah, good to know. Then I have to go a different way. I had the impression the function itself worked, but I was able to find the correct points.

IIRC :wink:


@TheWhistler sorry, I checked it seems to work with FLEX, but not with STATIC machines.

Edit : my bad again : It works with both. Can’t find the problematic thing, maybe preview…

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@TheWhistler, I think I found the related bug : no looped preview if Attributes Loop is set to NO…even if loop is set to ON.
Also no looped preview for a slice until you set a loop point…
To be confirmed.


Maybe helping to excuse my mistake, I think I found a workaround for your original request :

In a DAW, set one sample with the atttack of the sound, another with the looped part.

Make it a 2 slices sample with Octachainer.

Play it as a looped slice, LENgth = 2.

Only the second slice is played looped. Have to check again.

Edit : Apparently you have to set a loop point at the beginning of second slice for this to work…easy, just turn loop knob to the left.

Too tired to elaborate, I know it is not clear, but it seems a really interesting possibility.


Hey thank you, you where thinking while I was already sleeping. No reason to apologize. You helped so much in the past. :smiley:

I understand the concept but have not gotten my head around the practical way already.
It sounds a bit like old LA synthesis.
There is an attack portion of a sound which is slice one played unlooped once.
The follows slices 2 which is the loop portion and is only my preproduced loop.

This seems to be a pretty good idea and I know that slices (with loop and start/endpoints) can be set anywhere in a chain.

I will definitely give this idea a try today.

Thank you so much for your help :smiley:


Damn, that’s a nice piece of software… :smiley:

It certainly is…
He is well known in germany and has worked for keyboard and synth magazines since the 80ies AFAIK


Just for the record. It works, kind of.

So, slices can be looped.
Playing one slice at the beginning as kind of an attack portion and the next slice as loop via setting the length parameter (SRC) to 2 does not lead to looping slice 2.
It keeps repeating everything.

I got it working by extending the sample start into slice 1 direction.
Even though the second slice represented a perfect loop my editing seemed to mess with loop points in a way I got audible artifacts.
I had to deep dive into the loop section again to resolve this.

It works better when only using one distinct sample.
For what reason ever the AED displays more precise info (actual sample word number) when only using one sample.
When using slices it turns to a more coarse display that makes it really hard to evn put in discrete position information.
But not using chains wastes so much space in the sample slots that this is not really an option.
My workaround will be using samples so long it will not affect the arrangement possibilities.
As I use static tracks (stem playback) it’s not such a big deal. It is NOT ELEGANT by any means.

My conclusion (sadly): Can’t use the Octa to set up chains of looped chord samples. The setup process is so convoluted it kills every spark of inspiration.
Elektron should consider an update to import loop information AND providing much more precise information in the AED.

Thanks go to all but Sezare in special for input and helpful thoughts :smiley: