Using RYTM MKII to SAMPLE and SEQUENCE Guitar and Piano NOTES

Does anybody have any experience with SAMPLING their own GUITAR and/or PIANO for sequencing segments of a composition? By that I mean, sampling individual notes, loading them in the RYTM and sequencing them, presumably in Grid mode. With features such as Micro-Timing, adjusting Start and End Parameters, Parameter Slides, Accents, and Swing, etc. – Is there enough editing flexibility to make it sound true, good, or interesting? The endgame, of course, is to play with Tempo and Effects to perhaps come with something awesome and unexpected. All later to be exported to Protools for the final comp.

Would love any thoughts, experiences, or tips in this regard. Please excuse my new-by language –

Thanks so much –


I think if you want it to sound true, a sampler like an MPC would be the tool for the job as it is more robust, and you can load layered samples and play them in a round-robin fashion, having different velocities and whatnot trigger each time. I love my Rytm but one of its major shortcomings is its inability to scrub samples with high resolution. So if you record some riffs, there might be a certain part you want to start a trigger at but might not be able to put the start point directly on that spot because of its low-resolution scrubbing. I sample a lot of vinyl to chop up and more times than not I cant always get to the parts i want without sending the sample to my computer, editing it, and sending it back. so i do most of my chopping and sampling which requires precision to my MPC. I use Rytm for creative fun and exploring. So you can for sure get “good and interesting” out of it, but getting “true” will be trickier but, with parameter locking different notes on different steps you could get something close.

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Hey, my friend thanks for posting. One quick followup question if I may.
I spent the last 20 days studying and breaking down the manual and the workings of the machine. I may, in fact, return it after all that.
I have resigned myself that if I was going to spend a good deal of time making samples with the desired heads and tails before I import them.
But I still can’t tell, with the functions I described in my original post, if this thing has the flexibility to sequence with precise timing. Love to know your thoughts.