Using the DK as keyboard for the Digitakt, when the Digitakt is sending MIDI clock?

I’m currently using the Digitakt to sync/send MIDI clock (and audio) to the Digitone Keys. All good.

I was wondering if it is possible to also use the Digitone Keys keyboard to trigger sounds from the Digitakt, in addition to playing the sounds on the DK? (or does this just confuse things?) :thinking:

If so, how do i set this up? (I’ve tried a few different things, but I’m a bit scared of messing my settings up) :grimacing:

To be clear, I have read the section of the manual that related to MIDI EXT, and i still couldn’t get this to work, despite trying a few different settings that seemed logical to me — i.e setting the Keyboard setting to ‘EXT’, and the Digitakt to ‘Receive Notes’.

I’m guessing that its either not possible, or that I need to just change the right settings on both the Digitakt and the DK — I just don’t want to screw things up.

(I actually managed to freeze both devices before when I set them BOTH to receive and send transport!) :grimacing:

PS: I am able to get other keyboards to trigger the Digitakt, so its definitely receiving MIDI In notes.

Should be fine - just make sure you’re not sending transport/clock from the DK, and make sure your midi channels are set to be unique on both devices, and it should work OK.

Edit: I don’t have a DK, but looks like you have to toggle the option as well as choosing the setting in the options. You need to select a channel too, so make sure that’s either set to the Auto Channel of the Digitakt or the specific track you want.


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Hmmmm…maybe thats where the issue is.

But I’ve tried every MIDI CH option in that menu you’ve shown (inc. auto channel), and its not triggering the the Digitakt on any of them.


My channels on the Digitakt are just set to the default: ie. Track 1 is Channel 1, Track 2 is channel 2 etc.

Same on the Digitone Keys: Track 1 is Channel 1, and so forth, and MIDI 1 Channel is 5, MIDI 2 is 6, MIDI 3 is 7 and MIDI 4 is 8.

Do I have to change anything here?

Yea set them all to unique midi channels, especially with external MIDI on the keyboard you might cause some weird loopback issue.

(Don’t worry about your MIDI tracks on the digitone, those are the channels they send to they don’t receive midi)

Thanks for that :slight_smile:

Now, I’ve got:

• The Digitakt channels on 1 through to 8
• The DK channels on 9 though to 12

(this is what you mean by setting them to unique channels, right?)

Still not getting the Digitakt to trigger from the DK keyboard, unfortunately. :frowning:

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It’s in these situations I load up my Midihub software and look at what messages are going from where to where… it can be useful for that.

You’re definitely toggling the MIDI EXT mode right, not just choosing the keyboard type for when it is toggled? This button I think:


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Aaaaaaaaaah…no I hadn’t pressed that button! :grimacing:

It works now! Thank you! Awesome! :smiley: :raised_hands:

I gather the Digitakt can’t receive Pitch Bend and Mod Wheel MIDI?


You are correct.

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Cool - thanks for confirming.

And thank you for your patience’s with my questions. :pray:

Very happy I’ve now got this all working. :sunglasses:

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