Using the FX track

Thank you so much! The part I was missing was p-locking the external input volume. Once I did that, it was golden. Thanks again!


I donā€™t think the fx track has any envelopes, only LFOs.

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(But you can envelope sends to the fx, which might have similar results? Or p-lock an lfo trigger to ramp and set type to trig-if thatā€™s what you want)

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I know this is an old topic, but itā€™s the closest existing one to my question:

I was always under the impression that the CV (maybe FX too?) tracks can be used to trigger the 4 other INTERNAL tracks (in addition to changing the source for the CV track). Am I wrong? I searched and searched and couldnā€™t find out.

What I want to do is basically this:
1 track is drums. It has a fill line. I want to program a second part of fill on the CV track and control that drum track too. So, I can trigger two different fill patterns.

Could have sworn this was possible, but now Iā€™m thinking itā€™s not.

Nah, as you suggest not possible - the only connection you (may) have is that a CV sequence on Track5(FX) can be influenced by trig events from Track 4, but other than that thereā€™s no driving T1-4 from the extra utility tracks

I wonder if you could do something hacky with the MK2 to use CV Track info as a modulation source back to T1 e.g. via the Exp/Ctrl In jacks


So fully aware that Iā€™m reviving ancient history and still want to know was there ever a consensus on an easy ā€˜how toā€™ on the FX track?

What do you need to know exactly?
You can lock some FX parameters, trig LFOs, this sort of thingsā€¦
You can also use the track as a second CV track.



And a midi track now!


I mean, you can actually use any of the track as a sequencer for CV.

My favorite trick is using T4 as the source for CV gate and v/Oct for the 0-Coast, that I get back into A4 audio ins and use as osc input. I can then use the filter (with key tracking), overdrive and modulations + FX to transform 0-Coastā€™s sound.

But yes, you can choose in CV track config which of the A4 6 available tracks will be used as a source for trigging CV signals.


Yeah thanks itā€™s such a mad little box but Iā€™m looking for dufus-proof button press list so I can press a button and then understand itā€™s purpose and then Iā€™llā€¦knowā€¦probably a bit of fear there for me too for some reason


So if anyone has or can direct me to a button combo rtfm page somewhere Iā€™d be very grateful

Why wonā€™t you simply


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Iā€™m glad someone else failed to resist to drop that. :boom:

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Love it!
Yes I will rtfm - was hoping for a shortcut to knowledge but of course one must walk the path aloneā€¦

:no_mouth: discovering :pensive:

Thought it was only track 1-4ā€¦ :smirk: maybe, now i could rtfm

What more do you need to know? Itā€™s a page for control of the effects just like the parameters on the synth pages. It has plocks and LFOs as well. Think of a thing you want to control and try it?