Valco KGB Distortion

Sounds great!


I’ve had to talk myself out of buying this several times. It’s awesome but I don’t use enough distortion to justify it.

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Luckily no stereo so no GAS for an additional distortion pedal.

Why do some boutique manufacturers still not understand that they could easily enter the synth market with stereo pedals?


Because there are Mono Synths. :rofl:


Hahaaa, the stereo pedals I know handle mono input, too. :wink:

My mono MF opened the world of stereo pedals for me, e.g. chorus with mono input and stereo output, then stereo reverb etc.

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That title. I suppose it’s possible but I’ve yet to find the distortion pedal that doesn’t love synths.

I have a few fuzz pedals, but this one has some really nice features, I do like the dry/west mix the different types of transistors and the adjustment of line levels, so its good for guitar and bass, but also good for eurorack/and keys, etc.

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I/we do, but it’s expensive to do, but it is in the works. :+1:


volca into valco :wink:

(one track/instrument, dry at first)


Because most of the sales will come from guitar players. Synth market is insignificant next to guitars


Luckily more and more manufacturers like Strymon, Eventide, Source Audio, Universal Audio or recently CBA offer stereo pedals with line level capabilities for our synths.

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Hi Jeanne,

Is there any chance you would like to record a few more examples of this distortion box. Desperately looking for more info and sound examples of different circuits from this unit used on drum machines and bass. Cheers :slight_smile:

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… all of them digital, though (if I haven’t overlooked something?) …

Hey, definitely more coming, this was just a little snippet of the very first thing I did :stuck_out_tongue:


You’re a legend :slight_smile: Thanking you

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Just one kick from the volca drum, there’s a volume bump when i switch to Instrument Level after the fourth hit. There’s another volume bump when I raise distortion.

I switch through the modes OP, LED, Si, Ge and then back to my favourite setting for this kick (OP and everything max). Ohm was set to 1M.

… and another kick, dry/wet and in the second half, blending the resonator in …

… and a simple beat …

… it’s making elephants out of mosquitos :wink:


This sounds nasty! In a good way, of course :slight_smile:

A while ago I was looking at these and saw there was also a KGB Fuzz. Is this the Fuzz or the KGB Dist?

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Dist :wink:

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Very cool. Sounds heavier than the demo in the first post of this thread!

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meh no stereo and I rather get another Analog Heat for a bit more than does way more in stereo.