VCS3 + Elektron on EMS tribute compilation

Modulisme has released the second volume of their EMS tribute compilations, and this one kicks off with a track of my own. The track in question may be familiar to some of you - I made a video for it a few years back. It has been dug up and given a bit of spit and polish for this comp. All the sounds you here are VCS3. Some were sampled into a Digitakt and sequenced, others were sequenced using the Analog Keys’ excellent CV functions. Others were played live.

In any event, you can hear it and many more exemplary EMS-based recordings here:


Congrats on a another release :slight_smile:

This’ll give me some food for thought on stuff to try out with my Syntrx.


Thanks! I am trying really hard to convince myself that I have no space for a Syntrx. :grimacing:


They’re rather large.

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Thanks for sharing. Great project.
How lucky to have come across these crazy machines.
And what luck to be able to hear them.

For the Stryx it’s a question of the remaining time vs cost of the object, otherwise…
If you can afford it, go for it, put it upright, Vesa it on the ceiling, put it in the kitchen, the garage, space isn’t really a problem.


I am weighing it against a Buchla Easel Command. I have no Buchla stuff at all, so it gets a bit of an edge. On the other hand, a Syntrx would be a nice alternaitive with a character of its own for those times when the VCS3 is in one of its 'moods".

And both options depend on available space, money, and Symbolic Sound not releasing new Kyma hardware… :thinking:


Yes, but they are very comfortable in a compact guitar stand. I’ve got plenty of room for Syntrx, Lyra, two big Elektrons, monitors and random other stuff on an Ikea Kullaberg desk (43"x27").


Looks great! Mine’s in a desktop rack ('cos I already had one). My comment above was intended just to help @Scot_Solida decide not to get one. And mostly for rhetorical fun. I could just have easily encouraged him the other way tbh :slight_smile: It’s a great instrument. It’s really comfy to use, the knobs are a nice tension, and the large size and off-white case really help with visibility (for people like me with crap eyesight).



Pure evil.

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I enjoyed the track @Scot_Solida. The arrangement drives you along at a great pace and the percussion and fx are especially nice sounds.

The VCS3 sounds a little cleaner and more forward than my Syntrx. The filter wails like a banshee tho’.

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Thanks. I tend to gravitate toward cleaner sounds and that’s reflected here. The VCS3 can get pretty grungy, though. Any modules output level has a unity gain at about 2 O’Clock… the rest is pretty dirty (and sometimes noisy, especially the reverb circuit). And sometimes it picks up AM radio from a nearby trio of transmitter towers. :grimacing:

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“It’s a feature, not a bug”, honest!


That actually seems to have been fixed with a recent repair… it now only happens if I open the back and touch some specific capacitors… I wish it was as interesting as my description makes it sound, but they are usually broadcasting old ball games… :grimacing:

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