Vector - Digital hardware synth

I don’t own a DT, so I cannot compare, but I´ll let you know what I think.
The approach and modulation madness is something unique and seems hardly comparable with the DT I think :slightly_smiling_face:


Friday Fun


I like the Vector a lot and how the firmware has developed. It looks to me like it wants to be two-hands-on 100% of the time so that you have to give it the preferred position front and center above the (or a) master keyboard, or else it gets way underused even with the full MIDI implementation, and the price then seems stiff. I’m not sure the non-all rounder sonic character can bear all that responsibility for me because I’d have to use it strictly as a mono (for microtonal). It sure is cool, though, and then the pre-order page knocked the price down from 940 euros to 777 euros when I did a test run. Is that a promotion, or did I miss something?

Ben does a nice job here of going through the unit…


Best demo of this synth so far I think…

I think Ben does great videos, he’s got artistic vision cobbled with a nack for explaining things really well…

Some of the patches he made In this video were astounding!

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Agreed. I’d love to see him review the Essencefm. Another synth that’s been out for about the same amount of time and, to date, hasn’t really had a good walk-through of it made.

Some nice stuff in there although his introduction is a bit confusing… Vector synthesis atleat on the VS is just crossfading between 4 sample based waveforms and using a vector to animate the movement. Seems like the Vector does a whole lot more but comparing to a prophet VS and claiming the VS would be too hard to explain is kind of silly.

Had a look at the manual and was surprised there aren’t any LFOs as mod sources ( and ENVs, though present, are somewhat restricted in terms what what they can mod) and that destinations for the existing mod sources, such as overtone blend, over tone generators, filter and effects parameters aren’t available (at least, I don’t think).

The synth does a lot of interesting stuff and so there’s still lots to explore, of course.

Still, it must be how spoiled we are spec-wise with what synths have been offering up over the last few years, in terms of mod matrixes and a gazillion sources and destinations, that makes me just expect some of these things.

Not saying it’s the correct way to approach a new synth - just that this is where my minds seems to go to automatically when I hear about a new synth: what’s the mod matrix like?

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Ordered another one of these…so interesting and love the reverb.

The developer emailed me that more and more features are coming, such as bi timbral mode…so with this and my MM2, I need no other synths!

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Vector got MPE.

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I love the Vector…wish I had money right now to get another one.

Every time I see it, I want it. But for some reason I immediately forget it exists. Maybe because it rarely shows up online for some reason? The price feels just a little steep when converted to usd but that might just be because we’re spoiled for choice.

You certainly don’t see many of these around… I might have to try one.

Looks pretty interesting but really hard to justify myself for its price (brand new) :confused:

I’ll wait till it hits the second hand market, see how priced may vary, and also check carefully how I can get similar results, if possible and in the meantime, with the tools I do own already :slight_smile:

Don’t forget that older synths like the Blofeld, microModular, or even the A4 or Tetr4, can get you real far when related to sound shaping/sculpting, or even equence evolving patches…

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Can anyone who owns a Vector comment on the build quality?

The build quality is great, built like a tank with full, heavy metal body, 1.5kg weight.

The endless rotary encoders sit tight and are smooth when turning, similar to my OT.

Toggle switches sit tight and do their job nicely.

Overall, I find the vector is probably one of my best built synths, comparable maybe to my Perfourmer. In the two years of owning it, nothing ever loosened, or didn’t do the job 100%.


Awesome. Exactly what I was hoping to hear. The comparison to the Perfourmer is a great point of reference as I’m sitting next to one as I type. Thanks!

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Looks like fun! Is it multi-timbral like the virus ?

No, it is not multitimbral, but it has 16 voice polyphony with 4 filters per voice and with the newest firmware it is also MPE-capable. Great updates still come regularly.

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It’s not currently multitimbral, though this video implies that multi-timbrality is under development:

The video suggests that the target date was sometime in 2022. Clearly the developers didn’t achieve that but it seems that the synth is still well supported and under active development – for example they released a firmware update in Dec 2022 that brought MPE support.

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