Vector - Digital hardware synth

Nice! Import duty would have been my follow-up question. Thanks!

Well, you can’t play two instances of the same note on the RISE; whereas you absolutely can on the LinnStrument. This trips up a lot of developers, as they’re typically thinking in terms of standard keyboard ergonomics, and therefore don’t take these scenarios into account.


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Y’all really aren’t helping my eternal GAS for this thing.

A little more MPE testing with Linnstrument and Vector. Turns out the issues seem to be related to the transmission rate of MIDI message from the Linnstrument. Using the “Hidden setting: USB MIDI Data Reduction” option on the Linnstrument to increases the delay time between midi messages slightly seemed to take care of the problems I was seeing.


If so it sounds more like possibly a data overflow. A larger buffer might fix it if it’s related to bursts of data. Regardless it’s probably something that can be worked around by a user, without regard to the controller used, rather than a pure bug, where you’re stuck.

So who’s using one of these regularly? I may well have one in my near future…

It has a monomachine enigma to it. Takes work.
RMR’s YT on it is an eye opener

We see this a lot. It’s bit of a paradox. If you slow the USB MIDI down to, say, match the speed of a standard DIN connection, sometimes other issues occur, like hung notes, etc.

Regardless, the LinnStrument adheres to proper USB spec, so the ownness falls squarely on the Vector. As Jukka mentioned above, it’s primarily a buffer size issue; which is, of course, not trivial.

Anyway, it looks like I’ll be sticking with the Argon for now.


I’m not sure I agree with this. I’m only a week in, but I find it’s actually pretty easy to get interesting and usable sounds out of the Vector. To be honest, I find it a lot more immediate and fun than my MonoMachine.

However, as I alluded to above the overtone blending and filter matrix go very deep and I haven’t absorbed all the possibilities there.

It could lilkely be my user lack of knowledge and investment in time … but I think it takes a little bit of dedication to get it to perform

Well, the Lemondrop is gone, the Vector approaches…


Apparently there’s some interesting news Vector will be announcing at Superbooth. No insider knowledge on my part, but I’m hoping for a firmware update with multitimbrality!


If they solve the MPE data bottleneck on the host port, they might sell one to me.



From the Vector Discord:

So you probably noticed that lately things have been kinda slow with us, and that Vector firmware hasn’t been moving forward as much as you’d like. The reason is that for the past half a year or so, we’ve been working really hard on creating a friend for Vector. Vector is our flagship synthesizer, and we wanted to build something lighter, easier and more accessible to go along with it. The result of this work is TEMPERA, which we’ll be officially announcing in a bit. :paintbrush: :art:

During spare time however we managed to cook up a firmware update for Vector anyway :slightly_smiling_face: Nothing huge but there’s some fixes and some of the things that were requested here on Discord. 🪛 :nut_and_bolt:

Next week’s SuperBooth is our first event of this size, so after this is finished and we wait for first Temperas to be manufactured, there is time to finally do proper work on Vector’s firmware: multitimbrality.

I can’t say more at this point, but go ahead and check out , more to follow soon :grin:


Looks to be a sampler / grainular synth

This is what interests me in the VS. I have a Linnstrument, and plan to get an Osmose. I admit to being really charmed (drugged) by user interfaces that give me immediate visual feedback that matches the aural feedback of movement in the sound as I play (e.g. Iridium is great for watching what happens to the filters and harmonics simultaneously when playing the Linnstrument with mods set to pressure, x and y axis as sources and filter movement as destination). The VS looks to go way beyond this for visual satisfaction. I suppose I could save a lot of money by hooking the linnstrument up to my iPad and use Animoog (but I just don’t for some reason), and I want knobs too.

This was what turned me off to the Lemondrop I just sold on. 2 knobs was nothing like enough, tho the screen was great.