Velocity value == '---'?


In factory project 'STOCK ’ bank B pattern 5 track 5 page 2-4 the light of the trigs 2, 6 & 10 blinking slower than trigs 5 & 11.

I push trig 2 (6, 10):

The value of valocity is set to ‘—’.
(All three trigs are connected to ‘VOLUME+DIST’.)

What does it mean?
And how can I set the velocity to ‘—’?

I can’t find any hint in the manual.

Thank you

I’d imagine you’re looking at a trigless trig.

It’s a trigger that doesn’t trigger a sound, but will cause parameter locks to effect the current track .

If they’re pointing to vol/dist, these trigless trigs are either distorting the tail (if it’s pumped up) or silencing the tail (if it’s at a minimum) of the previous note being played. I suspect it’s to cut the volume to 0, enabling an instant mute effect on that step until another trigless trig affects volume, or a normal trig is played.

You can create one by pressing func then pressing a trigger. Hope this helps!


Thank you very much!