Vermona drm1 mk3 + MD Sequencing Question


I bought a Elektron Machine drum mk2 recently and i already own a vermin drm1 mk3.

What i want to do is make a pattern on the MD using the md kit and then send a different pattern to my vermona. So i could combine the 2 machines but making them do different patterns sequenced by the MD. Is this at all possible?

Right now the only thing i can is make both the vermona and the md play the exact same pattern simultaneously, But this is not what i’m looking for.

Thanks in advance.

You can only play one pattern at a time. But each pattern has 16 tracks.

I assume you are sequencing Vermona with MD’s midi machines?
You can dedicate tracks to midi machines and sequence Vermona notes along side MD internal synth machines. Then use track mutes to bring them in and out, respectively. But those tracks, whether midi or internal will all be housed within one pattern.