Vermona DRM1 MKIV

Its coming…has anyone heard anything specific about this release?




everything is described here :sunglasses:


Wicked thank you!

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I’ve owned the mk3 once, it’s a great drum synthesizer. what I didn’t liked were the hi hats - too sharp for my taste. I think a lot of analog drums synths lack in that area.

division department 01/IV has one of the best, probably because the HH oscillators are digital.

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I don’t like that it’s shaped like headphones, but what can you do? :man_shrugging:


Not into that style myself, funny that showed up first on G, the Vermona webspace was nowhere near. Top seo! :rofl:


“The optional trigger inputs have been significantly upgraded. Beyond gate pulses, they now also accept different voltage levels for triggering the instrument channels dynamically. The DRM1 MKIV with trigger inputs can also convert the analog signals into MIDI notes via USB or the newly added MIDI OUT connector making it an incredibly versatile MIDI interface.”

lots of win right there. shame the front panel controls are all still analog only. but… kind of the vibe of the machine, I guess.

I agree about the hats (but really it depends on the track). though their open, sustained noise sound is excellent. I find that with using pretty much any sound on it, a little goes a long way. like you don’t want to use more than 2-3 of any of them in a given track.

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Sounds cool. Can’t wait to hear how they tweaked the sounds. Also cool is the dynamic trigger inputs. Hopefully Vermona comes up with a cool sequencer that has dynamic triggers. There aren’t many that I can think of that have that feature, besides the 0-CTRL, and that is not the best drum sequencer.

I was really hoping they would incorporate some sort of sequencing. This machine requires a lot of midi dedication…

I had once the Mk3. Miss it. But this is even cooler. Something to watch out for!

This is very exciting news! Looking forward to hearing some sound demos

The optional trigger inputs have been significantly upgraded. Beyond gate pulses, they now also accept different voltage levels for triggering the instrument channels dynamically. The DRM1 MKIV with trigger inputs can also convert the analog signals into MIDI notes via USB or the newly added MIDI OUT connector making it an incredibly versatile MIDI interface.

Finally, the Acidlab modules had the dynamic trigger inputs years ago. Always used MIDI with mine, but at least now a million VCAs isn’t required when using the trigger inputs.
The addition of trigger-to-MIDI is nice.
Would’ve like to see a little patchbay.
Nice update.

Many times in years I was just one step to buy Vermona’s DRM1… but every time something stopped me. I can sinthesize my drums in other ways, specially with my eurorack’s analog voices. I’m not a gear collector, I prefer to really need stuff… but this piece of gear is so beautiful, it sounds so good, it’s so “sexy” with all that little knobs… damn! May be that mkIV will push me to buy it :laughing:

I’ve always found the architecture of the DRM to be (overly) simplistic. No MIDI CC, no modulation… I’m happy to be proven wrong about the simplicity point, though.


there is some modulation, some lfos and off course envelops but it’s not about features, it’s about finding sweet spots. it can sound amazing in the right hands. i’m so use to it, like 15 years of continues use so it will be interesting to hear the new optimized voices.
also the transformer inside can be a little noisy so a switching power supply is a nice upgrade.

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Cool I love Vermona. Every new gear from this brand is top quality !

I was thinking on getting the perfourmer soon. Hope they don’t update that too?!

Edit: ofcourse updates are cool :sunglasses:

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My thoughts exactly while I had it. After I sold it, and used the recordings in projects, I really missed them, maybe the best part of the drm. Naah, they’re all good, to me it is the best sounding device out there, though my AR is way more useful overall

I had a MK3 and really enjoyed just spending time tweaking the sounds. I dont make music but love music and will get a MK4 once it’s out as it’s just cool. This and a Matriarch…I just like cool music stuff.

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