Vermona DRM1 MKIV

Nils Frahm is Touring with a DRM1.

I think Drums rely heavily on FX Processing. It’s one thing to hear them dry but when they’re process, it’s another thing. Even the slightest Reverb can change everything in a Mix.


A good chance to listen to stuff on Minus from that era.


It’s really bonkers for techno, you could do it with the drm1 alone. I don’t think I care too much for the added sync on Tom modulation, have a couple of tracks where that lack of sync led to some really funky bass lines.
Replaced mine with an AR, but the sound of vermona is unique and I miss it. Friend of mine who got it off me, wanted to put in some midi controllable pots, but said “when I saw what they put in there, the quality of the components, just couldn’t bring myself to do it”. And you could hear it, best sounding drum machine out there IMHO.


Would the t1 torso be an ideal sequencer for this? I have a torso and am super curious to try this out! It seems like it’d be a perfect pairing, right?

I’ve been using my DRM1 with the T-1 via midi and really digging it. They do make a great pair.


Thank you! Much appreciated.

Anybody bought the Mk4? How do you like it?

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I had one which I sequenced from OT. It is a great machine and I enjoy the recordings I used it on. I sold it for the simple reason I got my pulsar 23 / Modor DR2 dream team and don’t like to hoard gear.

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Just got one yesterday. I’m drum machine obsessed and own/have tried an absurd amount! I love this thing!! I wish they were more available…I’d never played any version of this prior to the mkIV, but I’m a fan now!


I’ve got a mkiii coming soon and I’m wondering what you guys are using as insert fx?

I am anxiously waiting for a DRM1 MKIV, with the trigger option, to arrive. It was ordered a month ago, and hopefully will be shipped soon. The DRM1 is one of my all-time favorite drum synths.

My plan is to run the DRM1’s individual outputs to an 8-input USB audio interface connected to a MPC Live II. The MPC will be used to sequence and add effects to the DRM1 sounds.

Used in conjunction with samples from the MPC, the setup should be an awesome drum combo in the studio, especially since Akai added probability and ratching in the latest point update.

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I’ve got a mk4 coming also. Going to send 4 of the drum channels to my OT for effects. Don’t like all the drum channels so think 4 will be great. Sequence from the OT, maybe sample into the OT. I have an MPC live 2 also so might look into what you are doing.

How do you all use your DRM1? Do you set it and forget it? Do you tweak it manually while sequencing? Do you just sample it and put it in a sampler for further manipulation?

I love the sound, but not having any way to change them aside from manually with the knobs is really starting to bum me out. I guess I like more variety in my drum tracks… I am really considering selling it and getting something like a jomox alpha base with parameter locks, lfos, etc. but I want to make sure I give it a real fighting chance first :-).

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I’ve had 3 DRMs over the years. Same issue, just not much to them. Or, not enough for me to want to keep them.

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I’m sure I’ve posted it before, but I think Luke Abbott gets the most mileage out of the DRM1 that I’ve heard. it’s all over this record. he subtly tweaks it as it plays, to get more life and movement out of it. just like his modular accompanying it. probably sequences in Live and makes a few passes until he gets what he’s after.

it’s not an approach for everyone though. if you’re more of a “sequence it once and have it always play back exactly as I programmed it” type of person, then yeah you probably want something with parameter locks.


I reckon that’s the whole point, so… Yes.




You really can get a lot out of it with manual tweaking, but I only have so many arms and my setup is getting a little bit too manual for my tastes lol, I think I only have two synths left that even have patch storage. But I’ll try really focusing on it for my next couple of tracks and see how it goes :-), I imagine there will be a lot of comping, but the example @chiasticon posted is right up my alley.

I have been listening to other drum machines (alpha base, perkons, mordor, analog rhythm, etc.) and none of the sounds are really grabbing me :-/…

Listening to the track you’ve referenced above, I think you could totally coax that sound out of a RYTM… I’ve also designed that exact snare sound on the Tempest.


to clarify, I was actually referencing the whole album! but I think LA’s approach is most clear on the third track “Whitebox.” especially the first couple minutes of it.

I don’t disagree with you though, I think you can get some similar sounds out of the RYTM and then you obviously get parameter locking. closer than the Alpha Base will get you, I think. the DRM1 does have something a little “funkier” about it’s sounds though, that’s hard to get 100% the same elsewhere.

Well then, it would seem the blessing and the curse of it all is that you’re damned to tweaking knobs on the DRM1 for eternity… There are worse fates.

