Vermona Perfourmer alternative?

At the time of post - Noisebug appear to have some in stock! Edit - sold out

A new one from Mika Forsling


It has a Sergio Leone vibe (Once Upon A Time In The West).


Just listened to this and still think Mika Forsling is the king when it comes to the Perfourmer. However, this particular song felt a bit too much like a never-ending build-up… Although building up tension and not bringing a song to an emphatic climax is probably a very conscious stylistic choice. Definitely like all of the sounds in this one as well. Besides the Perfourmer, I always love Forsling’s drum/perc sounds (Tanzbär, DRM1 etc.).


The PERfourMER seems (almost) dry and I like it.

I can’t wait for my Vermona devices to arrive. PERfourMER, meloDICER and DRM1 mkIV.


I had a little go with the perfourmer tonight. I can’t play a keyboard so yea…but this synth sounds so lush regardless!

I’ve been exploring the Perfourmers capability of using the previous voice as a modulation source so that voice 1 is an LFO/mod osc for voice 2 and the same thing with voices 3&4.

When you sequence all the tracks differently with different sequence lengths, its incredibly musical and experimental at the same time. You of course get to use the FLO, res and envelope also for the mod voices.

Also it’s fun to take for example the voice 4 VCO out with square wave selected and some PWM applied, and patch it to some other voices gate in, and eventually cascade the 3 previous voices as an FM source for the voice 4. Insane drones with panning and all the voices modulating the next one…

I don’t think there is another analog synth that does what Perfourmer does.


Tim is a UK based photographer, video editor, musician and on YT for a couple of years now, delivering so far excellent unbiased reviews and tips/tricks for synths. His Matriarch videos e.g. are IMHO excellent. Worth to watch and not as commercialised like Loopop or Bobeats. More on the Hainbach side of YT Influencers.


Nightlife Electronics here in Canada just received four of these. If you’re in North America and looking, now’s your chance :slight_smile:

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RS7000 in the house!!!

if you are looking for an alternative you have to differentiate between two things that make the perfourmer so special:

  1. the sound. In my opinion, this is unique and there really isn’t an alternative.
  2. the play modes. my question to those who are familiar with it: what would you need to imitate this with 4 (eg semimodular) mono synth? there is something like lfo sync? FM?
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I’ve kinda come to a crossroads with the Perfourmer. There’s no denying it sounds good - in fact it sounds so good I noticed early on it was making me lazy when I was jamming with it. Have one ”track” play bass, second a lazy lead and the remaining two play arps (from OT midi arp). Very little modulation or wiggling of any kind to the sounds, just have them run through a delay and reverb for about five minutes. Like I said, lazy. No wonder I rarely found those jams any good the next day.

Calling the Perfourmer a sound design-y synth would be pushing it, I guess. And me having gotten a bit tired of its raw sound is probably what often happens after the honeymoon period with a synth. I know, that’s when one should just start pushing the synth to new, more interesting places. I just can’t escape the fact that after about half a year, almost all the ideas I’ve come up with the P4mer sound a bit stale to me right now… All that mixed with a wee bit of GAS for other things is making me consider selling my Perfourmer.

Then again, I know that a time will come when I’ll only be looking at beautiful and very simple sounds again which this synth excels at. Keeping a synth for potential, even likely future use doesn’t quite feel right to me tho (I’ve lately tried to get better at letting go of things I don’t need).

Sorry, yet another post of me thinking out loud - but that, I guess, is what forums are partly for.

Any interesting places you’ve been able to push the Perfourmer to, sonically?


Spend time with the duophonic and polyphonic modes ?

I had a PerFourmer. I sold it. I regret it for real.
I owned many synths. I often sell things and I’m just fine. I like discovering new sounds, honeymoons with a new voice, I record a few songs than I’m ready for selling and finding a new toy.

To me, the Perforumer is a keeper.
It actually can do many things. I wish the midi implementation would be more complete. But still,
in the end it has some magic feel, it sounds very alive, and you’ll probably miss it.

Take some time before deciding to sell it :slightly_smiling_face:

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Yeah luckily I’m not in a hurry. Will spend more time with it before making my ”final” decision. Actually the nicest sounds I’ve come up with it have been in duo- or polyphonic modes or just plain stacking the channels together (have them respond to a single midi channel) by using different waveforms, octaves and settings etc. Four simple sounds can make up something interesting together for sure.

The fact that I’ve grown a bit tired of the raw Perfourmer sound in the past month or so has actually come as a big surprise to me. I thought something so beautiful and simple would just feel useful to me no matter what. But I’m going through a bit of an experimental phase so it’s probably natural Perfourmer isn’t calling my name the loudest right now.

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Yeah, the sequencing limitations make it less powerful for experimental stuffs.

But hey… it has insert per voice… That’s nice for experimental sounds :smiley:

Have fun!

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Not surprising. As Stimming said you always seem to end up heading towards the same sounds with it. And you can get fed up of the sound which i believe is why you cant have it as your sole instrument. Maybe look for instruments that complement it. Juno 60 works well with it.

Finally I have a name for the devil sitting on my shoulder. :grinning:

But yeah I agree with you, and I think I have some pieces that go well with the P4mer (wouldn’t mind a Juno 60, ofc). Although I haven’t really experimented with it, my approach has been to get as much out of it as possible and use it pretty much on its own (sequenced by OT and with some fx). Maybe that’s proving to be a wrong approach for me on the Perfourmer.

As regards Stimming, I think his recent ”review” of the Perfourmer had some of the nicest sounds I’ve heard from that synth on Youtube.


I’m sure you did but just a reminder for experimentation :


To clarify, I have played around with the Perfourmer but literally all of the more experimental sounds have sounded shit to me. (That’s on me, not the synth.)