Vermona Perfourmer alternative?

I didn’t see this one.

I have A4mk1 and P4mk2.The main difference is in the modulator of the vco/vcf/vca. Its computer vs human. Huge potential in programming vs joy of performing. Mind vs heart. Im not sure there is alternative to Perfourmer.


Can you explain?

How do you find the couple together? I mean about sound palette

Hello everyone! i follow this tread from the opening, i have an a4 mk1 and towards the end of july i should receive the p4m … (i can’t wait) i think i will try to use it with the LR outputs towards the a4 input and exit the a4 to go to the OT AB input (CDs are occupied by DRM1). I am very curious to see if the two instruments can integrate well in terms of sonority. For now I am meticulously studying the way of playing the vermona by Mika Forsling and Federico Chiesa (oora music). do you have any other artist to recommend that he uses the tool creatively?

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Doepfer quad system would do it as an alternative, Colin Benders using 4 * quad in his new studio iirc (vlog few months back).



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following this thread makes me appreciate that the perfourmer exists while convincing me i don’t need it. it does seem pretty cool, though.


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I kind of feel like Tim Shoebridge misses the point. I get that he read old reviews and an old copy of a manual and thought that the PerFourmer had a Moog-like resonant filter. But 2 things: 1, Vermona was never disingenuous about the design of the filter. They changed it for a reason and they updated their manual. 2: why does every analog synth on the planet need a Moog-style filter? I freaking love Moogs. I have a Minitaur and I love its filter. But i don’t want every one of my synths to sound like a Moog. A PerFourmer sounds like a PerFourmer. That’s what people love about it. Lots of people. That it is restrained is the whole point. The saw wave with mixed with a little filter is beautiful without resonance. it sounds like a thousand cello’s plucking the same note in your ear, buttery and mellifluous. and you have 4 of those beautiful babies to sculpt.

The play-modes aren’t the only secret sauce either. You can do a lot of trickery with syncing LFO’s and VCO’s, and if you know what you’re doing you can get an huge variety of timbres with which to feed those play-modes.

Don’t let earnest and un-ironic Tim Shoebridge spoil your Vermona vibe. Let him enjoy his Berhinger 24db ladder filter.


Im not sure how to explain…A4 doesnt invite me to jam unless I have some idea about possible sequence/sound sculpting. When I have the idea in my mind the menu browsing is not a problem,its actually pretty fast editing. But without idea, Im bored pretty fast. The basic sound is quite sterile. I prefer presets. I dont like endless encoders for jamming, this machine for me is about programming that great sequencer,shaping sounds with many lfo’s, adsr’s,programmable efx’s. Its great companion to DFAM. Perfourmer, just turn it on and touch those knobs. Dont have to think,just jam. A4 can sound organic but you have to program it, P4mer sounds organic in its nature.


Hard to think anyone would. The video is… a bit funny, let me put it that way. It is indeed a personal message. 22 minutes of going off on the fact that he found the filter unimpressive or different to what he expected. Going through reviews and manual versions from almost a decade ago as though saying ”we are also going to find this in evidence”. Comparing the P4mer filter to a clone of a Moog filter cos his Moog mono synths aren’t in his studio at the moment?!? If you already have Moog monos why would you buy a synth from another manufacturer for it to sound like a Moog? I wouldn’t.

I also think this prequel video puts the actual review into a strange light, however glowingly he speaks of the many positives of the P4mer. I mean, there’s a reason why footnotes like this video tend to be in smaller print at the bottom of a page.

One more thing: As much as I like the Perfourmer, it’s totally fine if someone else doesn’t like it. I’m not one to take things like that personally. :grinning:


still waiting to receive my synth but that review i don’t say it lowered my expectations but i also had read the same reviews where they mentioned the moog filter and hearing all that sonic difference left me a little surprised, my question now is this: from what I saw in that video it seemed to me that the last part of the filter did not have a sound result as if the high frequency band was cut, is it something that you find too or it was just my impression ? maybe a low note was playing and they weren’t really present … (surely the character of the p4m is different from a moog)

I definitely find this to be true. But it doesn’t bother me too much.

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Excuse my ignorance, but who is Tim Shoebridge? As in, what merit is there to listening to his point of view - what’s his background? He’s suddenly popped up on my YouTube feed but I’d never heard of him before which seemed odd.

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For someone who had a mk1, how is the filter?

I have no idea who he is, but what matters it seems to me that he argued very clearly his point of view. I have been looking for as many videos as possible on Perfourmer for months but it had never appeared to me, I saw the video from the link above.

When I first heard of him, he was releasing 3rd party oscillators for the Korg 'logue series. I didn’t realize he got into the synth review game until later. I thought he had some good patching ideas for Moog Matriarch.

Haven’t seen his Perfourmer vid. No skin off my back.

I didn’t watch it yet.

I saw this editorial as a reaction to a preconception about the synth’s filter. I think in a meta kind of way this video illustrates a problem with the world of reviews. Before we engage with things on their own terms, opinions/descriptions from other people sculpt our starting position.
If Tim never read those Moog references from years back, I suspect his experience with the instrument would’ve been different.


Yeah but I didn’t find the updated manual on internet :man_shrugging: