Vermona Perfourmer alternative?

Also the Pro 2 will do a similar sort of weird FM where you’re effectively changing the ratios by playing different intervals in paraphonic mode. Both linear and exponential.

Man, so I really need some help. Here is some context: Vermona Perfourmer - Equipment - lines

Basically, I’m having weird MIDI stuck notes on my Vermona Perfourmer MK2 and Vermona is basically saying it’s not happening: despite it happening on multiple synths and MIDI keyboards and having other folks confirm the bug in the link above.

Would anyone be willing to test and see if the Perfourmer they own does this bug? If not, it would really help Vermona be willing to repair/swap my unit.

Thanks in advance!

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This has been happening to me lately as well on a brand new unit and seems there’s been a long history of this problem. I’ve had quite a few Perfourmers over the years and this is the first time experiencing it though.

For me it’s been happening while using the OXI One in one of the generative modes. I haven’t taken much time to troubleshoot, but seems like it’s just getting too much info at once and doesn’t like it. This doesn’t happen when sequencing with OT, but I’m more familiar with the settings and know that I’m not sending any unnecessary midi messages.

I also remember reading about a “legato bug” where this happens when legato is turned on.

So you can check and see that legato is turned off if you haven’t already and make sure whatever you’re using to sequence/play the Perfourmer isn’t sending any unnecessary messages.

I will report back if I come up with anything else.

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yeah the channels basically “hang” if i feed it to much midi data, so i have to restart the device.

i always make sure that i never send more data then available channels. so if im in polymode, i never send it more then 4 notes at the same time. if i do a channel usually bugs out and stops responding.

it kind of sucks as i like to send lots of midi notes and see what comes out, but i see it as a limitation to try and work around.

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Have you tried to press the Trig button on the corresponding Channel? I usually press it twice to resolve the hang Note.

i have not… i will try that!

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Oh that is an excellent tip. Thanks

So, my Perfourmer can handle rapid streams of midi data, such as fast arps from a Keystep, but chokes when I’m in D2 mode and play two notes at the same time (as discussed in the link on my previous post)…it breaks my damn heart. I don’t think it is a problem with density of data, I think it’s might be a bug.
I love the sound of the Perfourmer soooo much, but these problems are beyond annoying.

Yeah it’s really a shame… I hope there was a way of fixing that but I’m guessing that it’s a hardware problem… or is it?

I think you must be talking about the issue I posted about d2 mode and getting stuck notes whenever you press and release the keys as follows:

The stuck notes are the worst in d2 mode, but even in the poly modes if you try to send it more notes at the same time than it has voices stuck notes will sometimes happen. One of the downfalls of the perfourmer that not many people talk about I guess. I hope it is just a bug and not a hardware issue with our particular perfourmers. But even if it is a bug not sure it would ever get fixed as I have never heard of a firmware update for the perfourmer.