Vermona PerFourmer MKII

F@#k! Did you at least get your money back?

Hah yeah, so it was on Reverb, and a reputable seller. They just refunded me 4 days afterwards with no explanation. I couldn’t be arsed to chase up for a reason or anything, but I was a bit pissed as it was a mint one and I got it for £275. Oh well, I’ll just put it towards a Tegeler Creme or Fusion or some other gas filled dream :slight_smile:

Oh, good :slightly_smiling_face:

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After a week of noodling, got the kids to bed, had a noodle, then pressed record.

Perfourmer with Pulsar-23 on polite drum duties + CB Mood, Gen Loss II and Strymon BigSky.

Really enjoying this combo.



Here is a new (and last) version of my precedent draft. Love this synth !


Lovely stuff.

How are you sequencing the Perfourmer?

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Thank you so much ! I’m using an Hapax.


Another offering from the PerFourmer.
A dreamy session from last night.

On its own this time, with the help of some special sauce from the CB Mood, Gen Loss MKII and Strymon BigSky.


Excellent work. The PerFOURmer always sounds so good and it seems to inspire people to do really nice stuff with it. Sometimes I’ll go onto YouTube and sort through all the new PerFOURmer only videos and they are almost always great.


I love the PerFourmer…I wish I had not sold mine…darn it.

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Man, this is beautiful! How did you route the effects? did you split the vermona voices into differents pedals?

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So pleased you enjoyed it.

The effects are on my 2 sends on the mixer.
One for the Mood & Gen Loss and another for the BigSky.

Also, I set my mixer up so that some of my effects (including the Mood and Gen Loss) occupy one of the channels, meaning that I can send them to the BigSky.

So in this case:
PerFourmer -> BigSky
PerFourmer -> Mood -> Gen Loss -> BigSky

The PerFourmer is just on one channel (no separately routed voices yet).


Really great work! Do you have any more Vermona songs that you can share?

Not yet (other than the first one posted earlier in the thread), but I’m greatly enjoying it and coming up with stuff so hopefully more will emerge. Just gotta keep pressing record :slight_smile:

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It seem everyone made some sort of ambiant with the perfourmer. It sound really well but I would enjoy to hear another use of the perfourmer.


Game on! :skull_and_crossbones:

edit: Scratch that, I just tried and made what sounded like a bad version of 90’s Belgian Techno. :grinning:

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I made that mistake once. luckily i was able to find another one and i will never sell it.

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In what Genre, any preferences?

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No preferences. Was just curious to hear something else than ambient into reverb ^^

A lots of perfourmer (Mk1) in the machine