Vermona PerFourmer MKII

Perfourmer mk1 doesn’t get nearly as much love as it should.

Well, this is a mark 1 (now sold to get my mk2) but the sequencey bits on this are done on the Perfourmer. Sorry no video, I’m rubbish at that…


Now that’s a song title

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A Track featuring one Voice of the PERfourMER and the Retroverb Lancet.


Anyone ever have problems with stuck notes on their perfourmer? I have always gotten a few stuck notes in the poly modes when I send it a lot of midi notes at once (for example playing live over a sequence) but it was never so often that it bothered me.

However, I was doing some live playing in mode D2 recently and I am getting some very easily reproducible stuck notes when I hold down one note and play some other notes legato.

For example: I can turn to mode D2 (all voices on the same midi channel), hold down one note, C for example, and rapidly play between two other notes, E and F for example. When I release all the notes then most of the time two voices are stuck on and I have to start playing again to get them to shut off.

I took a quick video of the issue here: Dropbox - IMG_2180.mp4 - Simplify your life

Does everyone else’s behaves this way? Can you reproduce this behavior? I am wondering if it is just a bug or if something could be an issue with my perfourmer. I tried plugging a few different midi devices directly into my perfourmer to make sure it wasn’t my midi setup and I always get the same results…

I get that periodically. Haven’t bothered investigating it. I just do a power off/on

Yeah but I can’t recall the exact circumstances. I think it was when I was sending midi from a keyboard through a Motu midi patchbay (which wasn’t yet setup for how I had stuff routed).

Plugging keyboard direct to the Perfourmer stopped the issue.

Plugging straight into the perfourmer doesn’t make any difference for me. :thinking:

Schneidersladen seems to have them in stock. So i started imvestigating it and f@ck me, This is probably the best sounding synth I’ve ever heard. I haven’t heard a bad patch from it. Everything just sounds incredible… what a work of art!

I am very close to pulling the trigger. Any cons that can pull me back from the ledge?


Tuning the voices is a pain.

Sorry, that’s all I’ve got.

Get it!!


shit that’s really not a problem as the TX-6 has a in built tuner which is super easy to use… damn it :laughing:

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It really does have a very basic midi implementation designed for live tweaking, and as I described above I sometimes have issues with sticking midi notes. It’s not really an issue if you sequence it, but if you are also playing live it happens quite a bit when it is receiving more notes than the 4 voices can handle at once (see the video I posted above for a simple case I can easily replicate). I am trying to figure out if it is just my unit but I think it is the perfourmer in general as I have seen a number of people mention sticking notes in various other forums.

But you truly can’t make anything sound bad on it as you can tell from the demos lol. It’s funny that the synth is 20 years old (the mk I was released in 2003) and people are still always just discovering it, really must be a hidden gem.

I don’t have one, but I do like the sound a lot as well, and it is on my list of “if a great deal comes along…”. It is a particular sound, though. It could just be that most demos gravitate towards the easy settings. But you will have to judge whether you will, also.

The Perfourmer has a built in 440 tone which is handy.

The charm of the synth is the voices sound really nice, and the different play modes make it quite versatile. However each voice on its own is fairly basic.

Yeah there’s a few mentions but nothing conclusive. I always put it down to too many incoming notes overwhelming the processing power.

I also saw mention of the ‘legato bug’ interfering with the filter and envelopes. Maybe it’s the envelope not closing after the note being played rather than a stuck midi note per se? I dunno, I might be misunderstanding that. Apparently it was fixed in later production runs. I’m not sure if it was when legato mode was on or off.

Also, does changing the play mode switch fix the stuck note?

I’m trying to remember what I had to do - maybe the panic button on the midi interface, but I remember doing something on the synth itself.

Yeah, I have heard mention of the legato bug but never what exactly it was. Mine is a recent version (got it in march 2021) after all the changes I know of that it went through were made. I’ll mess around more to see if there are any other settings that I am not thinking about that change the behavior. I can just play more notes to get them unstuck, but I will also try changing play modes too.

It’s a massive pig.

It depends on what you want. It does what it does very well. There are a lot of things it doesn’t do. And the MIDI implementation is surprisingly basic. A lot of people find 4 voices limiting.

I love mine.


Go for it

It remains the best sounding synth I own, except for maybe the '14. As others have said, basic MIDI implementation, but so does a guitar or piano. It’s a beautiful work of art, get it.