Vibrato No LFO

I have been scratching my head over this. Cant seem to figure it out. Has anyone found how to do vibrato using only the operators? It should be possible right? Or am I barking up totally the wrong tree.

You need your modulator to be fixed frequency.


So… cant be done?

I haven’t got the latest firmware, but my DN can’t do fixed frequencies on operators.
There might be some clever workaround, but I’m not that clever.

Yeah cool. Mines on the new firmware. There’s ratio offsets, but thats still not fixed frequency.
Shame. That would free up an LFO.
Anyway, just found a cool new sound while noodling so, worth posting!

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I haven’t tried this myself, but in theory you can of the carrier by shifting the phase 180° of the operator. Maybe this can be done with the delay of the operators on page 2 op SYN 2? Definitely something I will try next weekend.

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Interesting? How does using the delay shift the operaror phase? The delay is just an envelope stage no?

If the delay influences the starttime of the sinewave and the start position of the sinewave is 0 this should work as a phase shift. But this is pure speculative, I haven’t tried this yet.

Not so sure on your theory. I think the delay is just an extra envelope stage. Delays the attack portion of the operator envelope.

I really can’t think of any way that you can make a vibrato with the DN’s synth engine. Neither ratio offsetting or operator envelopes will work, as the idea is to make your modulator slow enough to act as an LFO whilst the carrier is tracking the pitch of the keyboard, which can only be done (as far as I can work out), if the modulator has a fixed frequency.

All I can suggest if you don’t want to waste an LFO is to experiment with the chorus settings for something vibrato-ish or do the midi loopback dance.


Well so the wobble speeds up and slows down depending on the note you’re playing? Close enough I guess.

The idea is that, in order to get vibrato, you need to be modulating an operator at frequencies below audio rate. If you want an operator to modulate another operator below audio rate, you have to be able to fix the frequency of the modulator otherwise it will track the pitch of the keyboard into audio rates. The Digitone cannot do this currently.