[Video] Live Hard Techno (Black trinity)

Hi everyone,

I just made a video, playing with those wonderfull black boxes some hardtechno,
I know it’s not this forum cup of tea, but I wanted to share

Thank you for listening !


I’d call this industrial, not hard techno :slight_smile: I’m pretty sure there are a good bunch of industrial / hardcore lovers on this forum.
Cool style to do live by the way nice work!

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Tea’s not the right drink to go with that.

That was vicious. Nice work!

Ahah sure ! Thank you

Thank you

Love it! Especially the spooky sound coming in around 2.40 is very nice nice nice. Occasionally I wish you would’ve taken it a bit easier in tweaking the kick/bass, you know… provide some time so that the listener/dancer can fall into the groove first and THEN break it up.

Yes you are absolytely right, I get that a lot. During raves I have friends that tell me “HANDS UP !” so I let the pattern flow on its own before breaking it again

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Good to hear some proper rave music! Love the tones you’ve got.

Agree you can let things be for 8-16 bars a bit more often, sometimes you just wanna stomp to the same thing.

Dr Peacock is a great hard tek / french core DJ/producer, and sometimes when he hits the most intense parts of tunes he just lets it roll til he’s sure he’s about to give everyone a heart attack before breaking it up again. It’s a sensational feeling!