Video posting bug

i’ve seen the issue in this thread pop up a few times recently: difficulty posting videos without the youtube screen appearing several times.

authors also generally find themselves unable to edit posts that include videos after the fact.

I had this with my last video…
Posted a video… with explanation how i did what with my machines…

and pooof… a bunch of videoplayers…
I tried to edit it… which almost made my computer crash because of the amount of players… (its very taxing on old third hand laptops)…

In the text-editor (view source) I did see multiple links to the video… but my text containing explanation was gone… Deleted the links… re-added explanation… saved post…

and again multiple video’s… and again all added text was gone

So I got frustrated… (not so good on the internet…) and just added an extra post
with the explanation… and my apologees for the multiple video’s i couldnt get rid off.

Sure, i got a big ego, and i want everybody to look at my stuff… but not that desperatly :slight_smile:

If it helps: this is the link to the post that gave me problems:

yep, editing a post sometimes it’s difficult, even without the video; clicking around on the popup window helps getting the browser back on track for me, even if it’s somewhat annoying :expressionless:

Don’t hit the Return key after inserting your link!
Each time you do it duplicates your post.
Look at the code, top right on the task bar & you’ll see it do it :slight_smile:

How weird… cause I editted my post in the source-view… (easier on my eyes)…
and i definatly could delete the links, without them being copied or what-not.
checked it in the other view… it was correct… went back to code… still correct.
and saved my post by hitting “post reply”

Dreammer try editing your post now, (after posting), & see if there are duplicates in source code.
I’m using mac/iPad & they were there for me.
Cheers man

There where yesterday… and came back everytime i eddited…
but just for the fun part. I will re-edit for the 5th time… see if something changed… and it wasnt some fluke-day or something…

Did just check it…

same results as yesterday… All editting done in sourceview…
yes: I saw multiple embed lines… Got rid of all but 1… added some text.
but poof…

allota videos returneth…

p.s. elektron-people… you have my full permission to use my posted video as a test-subject for any testing… edit it yourself, ask me to edit it… i dont care :slight_smile: just pull my hair if you want/need something…

How about just putting a link without the embedded stuff? That should work for now until someone fixes the clone bug, right?

Hopefully solved, see here

Cheers folks