Video-Tutorial and more in german magazine c't

Hi everyone,
as I’m working as an Editor for the german computer magazine c’t, we have released an 18 Minutes in depth video tutorial about Overbridge (in german):

The Tutorial also goes into detail on how to implement Overbridge in Ableton Live and use our special Drum Rack for the Analog Rytm, that I’ve configured with complex macros. You can get the Ableton Live Drum Rack for Overbridge and Rytm here (also usable for non german speakers ;):

Both the Tutorial and the Drum Rack are made for a test of Overbridge and the Overhub, that you can read in the new issue of c’t 5/16, thats coming out tomorrow, saturday the 20th of February.


that’s nice :joy: :+1: vielen dank

Thanks, works great!

good to hear :slight_smile: if you ave any suggestions regarding the drum rack, just let me know. it was a bit of a trade of to get it into 128 parameters, because ableton live doesnt support more. Bitwig doesnt have this limitations so I might make a bigger rack for studio.


cool - thanks for name dropping SDS Drop in the video
(pun maybe intended)